Are you a expecting parent? Are you interested in preserving your new born child's Stem Cells?steemCreated with Sketch.

in pregnancy •  7 years ago 

Protect your child's Umbilical Cord and Blood by using only a Private Blood Bank.

Private banks allow families to store their baby's cord blood for themselves and their loved ones. When a family chooses to store their cord blood privately, they own those stem cells. This means that you and only you have access to the use of those stem cells. Most cord blood banks will pay for the cost of transporting the stored blood to the medical facility when needed. Protect your child from 80 diseases.Promo-Price-Chart.jpg
Public banks unlike private banks, require no cost for your donation or storage.
HOWEVER, it is unlikely that your child's Stem Cells will be available to them should they be needed.

There is also a substantial fee ($30,000) to transfer the cells in the future should they be available.

video source: New England Cord Blood Bank

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this is interesting. something to think about for those having babies.

When I found out about public blood banks I just about shit myself.
I can't believe how the public banks fuck over everyone who donates to them.
I pray all expecting parents learn of this tactic used to steal their childs stem cells.

it doesn't surprise me lol. this topic, i'm sure goes down quite the 'rabbit hole'! what really happens to your 'property'? could you imagine if the truth was revealed to 'the matrix' ?! OMG

The public banks have in small print that you donate and in so your stemcell can be used by others or used for experiments.

It's good to know this information! A very safe way to take care of your baby...

Thanks for sharing the info colleague @healthiswealth. Greetings :)

Greetings my new Steemian friend.
I am glad you found value in this information.
Be well and prosper!

Thanks my friend :). Keep blogging soon!!

VERY interesting. I had never considered this, and it is a little ahead of time for us, but good to know!

I am glad to help.
Congrats on your expecting child!

By the way, you should publish more often my friend!! Your publications are very good :)

I now have more time to post with Anarchapulco finished.
Expect to see more soon.

Perfect colleague, see you soon :)