Economic depression forecasts seen at the rate of pregnancy

in pregnancy •  6 years ago 

Economic depression.pngUS researchers have come up with a find that women's pregnancies decrease a few months before the recession began.

Researchers say, seeing the rate of pregnancy can be beneficial for the idea of ​​economic recessions.

The indicators that used to be predicted about the economic condition so far, the rate of pregnancy is even more accurate than them.

Studies have shown that in the past three recessions of the United States, the rising rate of pregnancy has started to decrease.

Economists often fall under criticism because they can not predict well before economic growth. For the perfect picture, they are now looking beyond the traditional complex calculations like production quantity, retail sales and home prices.

"We think that the reasons behind the last three recessions have had a profound and rapid impact on the conception of pregnancy. In effect, these factors affect the decision of pregnancy before affecting a large part of the economy, we think, "the researchers said in summary.

The study, titled 'Is Fertility in a Leading Economic Indicator?', Found that 100 million births have been reported from 1989 to 2016, including the number of abortions.

Despite the fact that the rate of childbirth has declined in recent times, researchers Daniel Hungman, K.C. Bakles and Steven Lugger have found that pregnancy rates have decreased months before the recession appears.

"We are amazed to see this relationship, we are also surprised by the fact that nobody has noticed it before," said Hungerman.

Researchers also searched for the condition of pregnancy at the end of the last three recessions; However, there was no clear indication from the information that they were.

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