Soon To Be Dads - Phases of Labor

in pregnancy •  7 years ago 

Hello fellow Steemers,

My wife is pregnant, very pregnant, 41 weeks today and is in labor as I type.

I wanted to talk about the phases of labor and educate spouses out there about them, particularly soon to be dad's as I think it is important to be engaged and a part of the process. The way our doctor explained labor is in three phases. There are other theories and descriptions, but this is how it was put to us.

Three phases of labor:

  1. Early Labor
  2. Advanced Labor
  3. Transition

A) Early Labor - Contractions begin and she can talk through them; they can be about 5 minutes to 20 minutes apart and last from 30 - 45 minutes. The cervix has started to dialate and will dilate to 3 centimeters. This phase can last hours or up to days.

B) Advanced Labor - Contractions are harder and stronger, she can't talk through them and are 3 to 5 minutes apart and last for a minute +. The cervix will dilate from 3 centimeters to about 7 centimeters. This phase for first time mom's lasts about 15 hours.

C) Transition - Contractions are even longer, about a minute and a half and continue 3 to 5 minutes apart. The cervix dialates to 10 centimeters and is 100% effaced. This is the time when she will push and push and push and deliver the baby. I was tails average first time mom's push in Transition for 90 minutes.

That's the quick and dirty on the phases of labor.

  • steem-surfer
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hehe My mother must've gone through those phases in seconds each because for all her three pregnancies, she was barely in labour. For me, apparently, her water broke, she sat down and I popped out.

By the way, congratulations on the new baby! I wish you all the best and all the best of health to you, your wife and your baby.