Pregnant and Vegetarian: What to Eat to Provide Yourself and the Baby with Necessary Nutrients

in pregnant •  6 years ago 

Pregnant and Vegetarian What to Eat to Provide Yourself and Baby with Necessary Nutrients.jpg
Today, people are becoming more and more conscious about what they eat and the number of vegetarians and vegans grows every day. Such a choice requires special attention to the components of your daily menu because your body shouldn’t lose any of the necessary nutrients you miss from meta-products. This is especially important for those who are expecting a baby.

Many future vegetarian moms experience shaming and lack of understanding during their pregnancy. Doctors, relatives, and the mass media shame vegetarian women for being selfish by not providing the full nutrition for the fetus by not consuming meat products. Nevertheless, it is possible to stay true to what you believe in and provide a completely healthy nutrition for yourself and the baby without sacrificing your vegetarian principles.

The Main Principles of Vegetarian Nutrition in Pregnancy
Here is a list of the most important elements your daily menu should contain:

It has a crucial importance for the baby because it is the active element in your child’s bone formation process. If your body won’t receive enough calcium, the baby will “take it” from your portion and it will affect your health and beauty negatively.

This is why you should eat more dairy or tofu if you’re vegan, green leafy products, seeds, cabbage, broccoli, kale, and beans. In addition, it will be good to take additional calcium supplements specially made for pregnant women.

Vitamin D
Its natural source is the sunlight that makes it synthesize in our body. To have enough of it, you should stay in the sun for 30 minutes at least three times a week. Outdoor walks and fresh air are very useful for pregnant women.

If climate or other reasons don’t allow you to receive enough vitamin D, you should take it as a supplement or as part of a special vitamin complex.

Vitamin B12
This is the exact reason why everybody around forces you to eat meat. A lack of this vitamin is what makes you crave for meat despite your awareness. How to replace meat? You need to get an extended blood test to see what elements are missing in your body and consult a nutritionist to know how to fulfill them. Besides meat, you can find this element in seaweed, tempeh, soy drinks, granola, and milk.

Many vegetables are rich in this so it won’t be a problem for a vegetarian to have enough. More beans (in the first half of the day to avoid bloating), green vegetables, seeds, pomegranates, and leafy products will help you with this. If you still have anemia, you can take iron additionally as a supplement.

A pregnant woman needs 30% more protein when compared to an average person. These are beans, dairy, seeds, nuts, and cereal. Many vegetables contain protein as well.

It’s Not Only Your Diet That’s Important!
Although a pregnant woman must eat well, avoid overeating not to gain too much weight and not to stress your vessels.
A pelvic exam and a visit to your physician are necessary to control your health and the health of your baby. Don’t miss them.

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