Throughout the pregnancy, the woman usually raises 10-16 kilograms and the bidding is strictly individual. Naturally, if she brings twins in her womb, she will be more prominent.
If the woman was too weak before the pregnancy, it is good to bid 12,5 - 18 kilograms. And for thicker ones, it's good to keep extra pounds up to no more than 11.5 pounds.
In the nine months, weight gain is uneven - with retention and peaks. At first, during the first 3 months of pregnancy, it is about 1.6 to 2.3 kilograms.
Nausea and vomiting in this period greatly suppress appetite. It is no exception during the first trimester pregnant even to lose weight . It then gradually recovers the loss.
By the 15th week of gestation, the addition of 3-5 kilograms is mainly at the expense of proteins (in the muscles) and fats (in fat stores) in the body of the future mother. The baby in her womb weighs only 300-400 grams. And the "reserves" she accumulates serve her later. After the second trimester, the weight of the baby increases . However, every pregnant woman buys differently.
In the last two trimesters it is normal to upload 500 grams per week . Bidding is due to all the changes that occur in the woman's body during this period.
Here's how it distributes the weight of those 40 weeks if the bidding within 12, 5 kg.
blood, placenta, uterus and amniotic fluid - this is basically due to the added weight.
baby weight - about ¼ of weight in the plus.
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