Prehistoric sites in Wiltshire 2 - slide-photography from 1993

in prehistoric •  6 years ago 

English - German


To get an impression of the size of this Henge, I brought a shot from some distance to the megaliths and a close-up. Despite the destructiveness of the church, a number of stones have been preserved, and the nearby museum is the place to go to learn about the history.


Um einen Eindruck von der Größe dieser Anlage zu bekommen habe ich eine Aufnahme aus einiger Entfernung zu den Megalithen und eine Nahaufnahme mitgebracht. Trotz der Zerstörungswut der Kirche sind immer noch eine ganze Reihe von Steinen erhalten geblieben und im nahe gelegenen Museum kann man sich genau über die Geschichte informieren.


West Kennet Avenue

Of the original 4 roads that led to Avebury, only this one have been preserved. They were created shortly after the establishment of Avebury Henge around 2400 BC. You can admire 27 stones that mark the course of the road.

Von den ursprünglich 4 Straßen die nach Avebury führten ist nur noch diese erhalten. Entstanden sind sie kurz nach der Errichtung des Henge von Avebury um 2400 v.Ch. Zu bewundern sind 27 Steine, die als Paare den Verlauf der Straße markieren.


Glastonbury Tor

After all the stones we went to Sommerset to relax in Glastonbury. On the mountain people from all over the world meet and it should definitely be on the visit plan if you should ever go to England.

Nach all den Steinen sind wir dann nach Sommerset gefahren um uns in Glastonbury zu erholen. Auf dem Berg treffen sich Menschen aus der ganzen Welt und er sollte unbedingt auf dem Besuchsplan stehen wenn du einmal nach England aufbrechen solltest.


Photos: Vogtländer camera and slide film 1993
Fotos: Vogtländer Kamera und Diafilm 1993

Part 1: Stonehenge
Part 2: Woodhenge
Part 3: Prehistoric sites in Wiltshire 1


See you next time! / Bis nächstes Mal!

Thank you for your attention! / Danke für Deine Aufmerksamkeit!

Original content by

        Schaman Gerbert        IMG_6013kkk-th112.JPG

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Amazing! You looked like a wizard by the big rock!! Lucky you! I do envy you, you did go to visit all these important sites with lots of energy! My friends took me to Glastonbury when I was a very young student, too young to know the significance of that place. So I was not able to connect to anything there.
Only felt that Glastonbury was a mysterious and secretive place full of witches!

Would love to go there again one day!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Very nice photos and a beautiful green place to visit. And that handsome young man standing there is of course you :) It is nice to keep our beautiful memories of places we visit.
Have a nice Weekend!

Thanks! You missed the tournament again :) We just finished it.

Yes I just remembered it when I saw your post, but was late :( My fried came to visit me and I was busy with her. Next Saturday I will surely join :D

That's really incredible to see huge they are great shots blast from the past :D

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