Trumpets In The Sky Update - Steemit Embedded Video

in preparedness •  7 years ago 

As I said, people have been reporting this for years. Here’s some recordings I found that are similar to what we heard. Now, I don’t know what’s going on in the sky overhead in the first one. I can’t guarantee you these are not faked. I did not record them. All I can say is these are as close to what we heard as I can find online.

Links of similar experienced:


Like I said, not quite the same but very similar. I hope all of you get a chance to hear this!

PS: I discovered during editing, the part where I’m talking about how this experience has affected me is inaudible. No problem, I can add it in. It is pure Love. This is not from this world. So I'm convinced based on my personal experience, this is not project bluebeam. The world would project fear and submission.

Thank you for watching!

Intro music: Magical Path by Alexander Blu

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howdy there from Texas @squirrelbait! I found your blog through @goldendawne and thought I'd see what you're up to. very interesting sounds ya'll are hearing up there. What is Project Bluebeam?

Hi there janton :) ok. Here's 2 videos for you to check out on the topic of Project Blue Beam. First, a video demonstrating the holographic technology a lot of people don't know even exists.........

Second is a video I found for you that explains the Project based on information I have read. The source of the video information is at the bottom of the video description. A great read!

Crazy stuff, right? Part of preparedness is knowing what to prepare for so I keep an eye on this sort of stuff. Well, that and I'm nosey....I mean...curious. Nice to meet you!

ok I watched these videos and I can see how they could make anything
appear and how almost everyone will be deceived!
thank you so much for the education!

It's an interesting time to be alive for sure.

howdy @squirrelbait I haven't had a chance to see many of your posts yet, are you a Prepper?
I'm a prepper at heart but haven't done enough to prepare. I think there are some prepper
groups on here. talk later!

Howdy Jonboy (@janton)! In a nutshell, I’m a survivalist. I have been preparing my entire life to survive, well, anything. Most of what I learned, I learned from my Dad. I have learned how to live and live reasonably well in the forest. A desert or grassland is another matter. I think I would die in a desert. Skills, knowledge, and self-sufficiency is where I focus. I don’t have a bunker to horde stuff so I prepare with those three things. Preparing to handle anything that comes takes time, Jonboy. Everything that occurred in my life has led and refined me up to this point. You have to start somewhere, right? Start with food and water for, let’s say a major loss in income. Then, decide if things went really wrong, would you stay home or leave. Then prepare for that. Stuff is one thing, being flexible and adaptable to an unexpected situation is another. Investing in yourself is prepping! I bet you are more prepared than you realize.

PS: I think more and more people will be forming groups as time goes on.

thank you for the excellent reply a Survivalist the same thing as a prepper?
And do you think sooner or later something catastrophic is going to happen in which in order to survive we'll need to be fully "prepped"? I haven't really been following this kind of thinking or related stories so I don't know what preppers are saying these days.

Hmmm… good question since prepping and survival go hand in hand. I think learning bushcraft is prepping so I guess the difference to me is a survivalist is a prepper of skills instead of supplies. So I guess, now that I think about it, a survivalist is a type of prepper. Just my humble opinion. Folks have a wide variety of thought on the future from what I have seen. From economic collapse to drastic earth changes. Most preppers say that if anything small or large happens where you live, no one is going to help or save you but you. The government is not going to rescue you, and given the track record, you don’t want it to. According to history, sooner or later something catastrophic always happens.

I know you have figured out our healthcare system is dangerous, our educational system is a joke, etc. If we all teach what we have learned, we will all benefit and be better off for it. As a Christian, do you struggle with trust in The Lord vs. handling as much as you can for yourself and others? It’s a wisdom I am still developing. Also, question…..possible job opportunity in Bonham, Texas. My research shows this might be a great place for us. Housing prices are awesome. I love small towns when I have the luck to live in one. I also really like the proximity to the Ozarks. Playpen! Any thoughts? I understand there’s no state income tax. Bonus!

thank you so much @squirrelbait! lol that username cracks me up everytime I see it! I will be back in touch when I look at these videos.