Herbal Prep - Making Cold and Flu Tea w/recipe

in prepper •  7 years ago  (edited)

This is a tea blend I developed over the years, that works amazingly well to heal watery colds and also most flu strains...as well as strep throat.

Myself and our youngest daughter have mold allergies, so we cannot take most antibiotics, at all. This tends to leave western medicine at a loss, and going to a doctor almost pointless. Sometimes it can help to get a diagnoses, but then they are stumped and send us home...at which point I dredge out the herb books and do hours of my own research to create a medicinal tea.

At any rate, this is the tea I have developed which works for most all mucous prone colds and flu...and it works well. Every fall I have a waiting list of friends who swear by it too...and I end up making pounds of it so everyone has enough for the winter. There was a point where I was making enough to sell, but not any more. It seems far better to just share the recipe now.

flu 1a.jpg

This is a complex, 2 part tea...
I mix each part separately, and jar or bag them separately so they can be prepared correctly. (please check the actions and constituents of all herbs individually, to be sure they will not react to the person, or with other medications one may be taking)

Part 1... is a 15 - 20 minute decoction

This will have all of the root and rhizome, as well as rose hips and other dried berries.

The recipe blend goes like this

4 Parts Echinacea angustifolia
4 Parts Rose Hips
2 Parts Elder Berries
1 Part Marshmallow root
1 Part Licorice Root
1/2 Part Horehound
1 T Goldenseal Powder per quart jar of dried herb (I usually add this last, in a baggie and shake it up)

Part 2... is an infusion. Once the decoction is made, I add part 2 to it and infuse for 15 minutes. For this tea, I leave the herbs in the tea, and strain as we take cups. I usually make a gallon or two when we start getting symptoms, and it will last in the fridge for about 3 - 5 days.

4 Parts Chamomile
2 Parts Elder Flower
1 Part Echinacea purpurea
1 Part Mullein
1 Part Mint (we prefer spearmint, but peppermint will do as well...or a blend)
1/2 Part Lavender
1/2 Part Yarrow leaf
1/2 Part Hops (only if there is a spasmodic cough)

To Prepare

Fill a soup pot with a gallon of water...add 3 T part 1, and cover. Simmer for 15 - 20 minutes. Add 1 1/2 C of part 2,,,allow to simmer for 30 seconds or so to be sure all the herbs are covered in the water, then cover and turn the heat off. Let this steep for at least 15 minutes before drinking. Once the tea is cooled, put in the fridge. We usually scoop out what we need to drink into a small sauce pan to warm it later. NEVER microwave herbal tea!

We add either plain honey, or Osha (bear root) honey to our cups...but you can decide...and we drink about 3 cups a day. Children, about 3 half cups a day.

This tea has a 'distinct' flavor, hehe. We always get a kick out of the tea face people make the first time they taste it...but it actually grows on you. When we start to feel ill, we now crave it when it is the tea we need.

That is all for now, thanks for reading...I hope you enjoyed!

This is a {Steemit Original} All words and photos by Elew

To read my other Medicinal Herb posts...

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This is wonderful! Excellent job sharing this!

I am happy to...I hope it makes the rounds and helps many for years :)

Amazing but look complex ingredients to find. I always try not to take those big pharm chemicals. When ill i normally use Turmeric and back pepper, although touch wood i'm not ill that often :)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

We usually find herbs we cannot grow at mountainroseherbs.com . Tumeric and black pepper would help for sure. ..but it is good you don't get ill much. I think the more our bodies heal naturally, the less susceptible we become to illness :)

Yep we need more suppliers like this in the UK. Ithink a mainly organic diet helps me :)

Turkish people like tea but black tea 😂😂
Thanks for your post

If only black tea would heal the flu ;) You are very welcome...

This recipe looks awesome! In our house, we reach for water, rest, and herbs first when we feel sick. I'll have to do some more collecting to get some of these ingredients, but I really want to give it a shot. I've never tried a complex before--it looks like an exciting challenge. Thanks so much for sharing this!

Just for curiosity, do you have a favorite resource for learning herbal medicine? In lieu of learning from someone (which I would love to do, but where to find them?) I've been slowly gathering books. I find that decent ones are sometimes hard to track down.

Thank you :) It does work really well, especially for the severe colds and flu...you should definitely give it a try!

My go to for herbs is David Hoffman. His books are easy to read, and find things in...and very thorough. First would be the Holistic Herbal...and then on from there. He also teaches, so if one is seriously into learning, they can take his courses and become certified.

I haven't heard of him! Thanks so much for the tip!

You are very welcome :)