Herbal Prep - Medicinal and Soothing Baths

in prepper •  7 years ago 

Herbal baths have been used for thousands of years. Sometimes they are used in medicinal form, sometimes as a soothing or dream enhancing soak, or to relieve sore muscles...and often in various religious rituals or other specific ways.

We are only going to cover medicinal and soothing here, but you will get the basics.

Dreaming bath 1a.jpg

Herbal vs Essential Oils

Making an infusion or decoction of herbs to add into a bath, means they are water soluble, and so disperse in the bath evenly, and are absorbed through the skin in a more passive way. This allows the pores to open in the warm water, and is a more natural absorption method. The longer you soak, the more your skin absorbs.

Oils can be used for a more concentrated medicinal bath, but are only recommended in rare occasions. Oil, of course is not water soluble, therefor the oils cling to the skin. It tends to negate the warm water opening the pores to allow the water in, so it is often far better to first soak in an herbal bath, and then after, apply an oil on the skin.
Essential oils should be used very sparingly (remember one drop = 20 to 30 cups of tea)...and should Always be diluted in a fair amount of carrier oil before applying to the skin.

Common useful after bath oils

For babies and children (though adults love it too)

  • 2 oz glycerin or sweet almond oil
  • 10 drops Chamomile Oil
  • 5 drops Lavender Oil
  • 3 drops Peppermint Oil

Mix well, and test on inner forearm before using the first time...Then use as a baby oil after bath, or before bed and kids will sleep very well. Of course it will help anyone relax and sleep better, but especially children.

For adults you can double the drops of essential oil added to this mix. Just keep it to 20 drops or less per oz of carrier oil.

For Eczema

If a child has eczema, use the same mix but increase the Lavender to 10 drops. Lavender will help kill the staph on the skin which causes the outbreaks. It is a natural staph, everyone has it, but people with eczema just have more where the rash appears... It is called Staphylococcus aureus if you would like to research.

For adults with eczema, 12 drops Lavender per oz, and try to only put it on the area that is breaking out. This along with a triple antibiotic cream should clear it up.

In extreme cases where there are weeping lesions, 1/2 cup of bleach in a bath, wash and soak for ten minutes, then rinse, dry well and apply the TA cream, then once it absorbs apply the oil mix.
This outbreak was cleared completely in 5 days with the bleach bath, TA cream and oil.


Soothing Sore Muscles Oil

  • 1 oz Sweet Almond Oil
  • 3 drops camphor
  • 6 drops Wintergreen Oil (can be substituted with mint)
  • 5 drops Arnica Oil (or make the carrier oil base with 20% arnica infused oil...infused for 3 weeks shake twice per day)
  • Optional - add a pinch of Cayenne if you prefer a warming oil

There are hundreds of recipes for sore muscle oils, ointments, liniments, creams...this is just a basic that I like, it is a cold rub, but with the cayenne it can be cold and warm, much like a tiger balm. Different essential oils can be added for specific needs, but this is a good starting base. Just remember to add more carrier oil as you increase essential oils. No more than 20 drops per oz is a good mix.


Herbal Baths

These will be large quantity, strong teas...because they will be diluted in the bath water. I usually make them in a soup pot, but you can even use a stock pot and make a gallon or two to keep in the fridge for a few days to a week so you can finish a treatment, or just so you don't need to make it each night.

Soothing Bath

This is great to add to the kid's bath in the evening, or your own if you feel stressed or cannot sleep.

  • 1 gallon water
  • 1 cup Chamomile Flowers
  • 1/3 cup Calendula Flowers
  • 1/4 cup Lavender Flowers
  • optional - 1/4 cup Peppermint Leaf

Infuse for 15 - 20 minutes, strain and add 1 quart to the bath for kids, and 1/2 gallon for adults. Play or soak for a good 15 to 20 minutes... You can wash your hair and rinse with this water, no need to rinse with clear water...the calendula is amazingly good for the skin.


Sore Overworked Muscles

  • 1 gallon water
  • 1/8 cup Wintergreen leaves or fresh berries (can substitute with Teaberries in New England)
  • 1/8 cup Rose Hips
  • 1/8 cup Spearmint
  • 1/2 cup Red Clover
  • optional - 1 tablespoon Willow Bark (willow acts like aspirin, so do not use if the person takes blood thinners, has heart issues, or bruises easily)

Make as a 30 - 40 minute infusion (bring it up to a slight simmer after 20 minutes steeping then turn the heat back off, if you find it getting too cool). Do not use this blend for children...but for adults add 1 quart to 1/2 gallon to the bath...soak a minimum of 15 minutes, longer if the muscles feel like they need it.

It is fine to add epsom salts in with the herbal bath, but I suggest trying the herbs alone at least once to feel the difference.

One question I get asked often with herbal bath recipes is;
"Why not add Arnica? Isn't it good for sore muscles?"

The answer is that Arnica is a poison if ingested, and so it goes for baths too. When one is submerged in water, the skin acts like a sponge, soaking in the herbs used, so they become internal very quickly. Arnica is okay to use topically, in very small amounts, in oils, creams etc...but never in a bath or tea.

That is all for today, or I will end up writing a book! As we go along I will periodically add more bath and oil recipes...

Please keep in mind, that there really are as many recipes as there are ailments and symptoms, and each one of us who works with herbs will have our favorites, and our go to general herbs...and they will most likely be different. So if I write a recipe here, and you see a different recipe elsewhere, they most likely both work well, and we just choose our herbs for different reasons.

This is a {Steemit Original} All words and photos by Elew

To read my other Medicinal Herb posts...

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Hi Alicia, yes of course, that would be awesome! Thank you :)
Will you link me to the Curator post so I can share?

Hi again @elew You betcha. And thank you very much.
Have an awesome day/evening. The Curator.

I'm so glad I just came across you and your posts! This is lovely! @Colorado-girl suggested checking this out. Really excited to read more from you. I have a special kinship to growing these lovely plants and never make the time to use them because I'm always spending all my time starting new seeds and watching them grow.
Really excited to try some of your recipes. Do you happen to live in Colorado? I'd love to share the herbs in my gardens with people who can use them. Just a little backyard garden but lots of variety (:

What an amazing offer JayJay! Thank you so much :) I have a feeling though, that once you start using them you might end up expanding the garden ;0

We do live in CO, but let's see where you are at for extra herbs next year...This year maybe we can get you using them!

Always planting more! Can't get enough! :D

At school and in life I learned only about modern medicine. As threathments becide modern medicine are painted as ridiculous and highly uncertain that it works I did not pay interest in alternative threathments. As I grew up and got interestet in nutricien I learned that we actually never have to get sick. As long as we provide our body from the nutritions it needs. The chemical ingredients in processed foods. The toxics they put on vegetables. That kind of things weakens our body and makes us sick. As we can not escape toxification it is even more important to eat right so we get cleansed from this harmfull toxins. If we get sick and we take modern medicine this usually fights the symptons. In meanwhile the core problem is fixed by our body or not. Just if we eat right we do not have to get sick and if we do, we have the solution in nature. For me the last resort is a docter, because Modern medicine might destroy more then it will heal. I am really gratefull for never being sick. For many years already and I believe nutrition is the main element that keeps me healthy. I am also really gratefull for your article and that you make people aware that there is more alternatives to modern medicine. The focus should be prevention. What you sum up is a way of prevention and healing. Modern medicine is all about dealing with the sickness and never about preventing it. It is funny that they call solutions from nature alternative medicine as nature provides us of everything we need, modern medicine should be called alternative medicine in my point of view. Thanks for the great article!

Hey FreakyFriday :) Yes, I agree 100%!
Eating healthy is the most important...and medicinal herbals work best as preventative. They can be used to heal ailments, even really bad ones...but it is Far better to prevent now than treat later...

A book would be awesome ;-)
Folks forget that the largest organ is the skin and not everything is good for it.
Thank You for another awesome article discussing this! Sharing to get the word out!

Thanks Weetree :) It probably will add up to a book after a while of posting...but there is so much to share!

I agree and considering all the uses for each herb it almost becomes endless.

Yes, it sure does!

Great read, thank you. Upvoted and now Following. We now need a how to on taking the herb from the plant through to the process of the essential oil. I grow peppermint, Chamomile, lavender etc but have no clue on how to get it into the form of the essential oil. Just a thought

Well, you would need acres of herb garden to make enough essential oils to use. You can make a simple distiller, but it can take 225 Pounds of an herb, to create 1 fl oz of essential oil.

At any rate distillation is the easiest way to extract essential oils from plants.

Thank you for the insight.

You are very welcome :)

Love! Love! Love! this article! So well written and easy to understand. I've shared it in my local gardening group on facebook as well because I know they will love it too (and maybe even get a few more interested in joining steemit for the awesome articles like this one! Also giving you a follow and resteeming.

Thank you Linda :) I am glad you find my format easy to understand, that is Super important and sometimes I feel scattered because there is so much info it is easy to get side tracked...I was not sure how it would read to others. And thanks for sharing <3

This is great information. My wife got me into essential oils but we haven't touched herbs. I'm going to dive into this and see what I can come up with. I'm all about natural remedies versus pharmaceutical!

Resteem to spread the word and so I don't lose this info.

Awesome, feel free to ask any questions along your way :) You can find bulk herbs too, I usually go to mountainroseherbs.com for 1 lb bags, but there are other places too.

Yeah I may hit you up. I'm also curious about herbs for cleansing. I need a good detox and have been looking into it. I'll also check out the site you recommended.