Nicaragua in Crisis Update June 8th, 2018

in preppers •  7 years ago  (edited)

Our family has suffered our first injury directly related to the conflict. My son’s brother-in-law (Elliot) was shot in the arm while being caught in the wrong place at the wrong time. He was out in a private location teaching English to people who have lost their jobs and hoping to develop more skills.

He has had surgery and they are hopeful that he won’t have any permanent damage. To add insult to injury he was robbed of the little money he was carrying, his salary for teaching the classes.

The violence continues since there really was no good outcome of the dialogue held yesterday. Ortega was late getting there, the Bishops handed him a two-page letter outlining what needed to change in order for peace in the country and he told them he required two days to think about it.

Below are photos from 100%Noticias Nicaragua FB accounts of Nicas on location. They are depicting just one of the instances of civil disobedience across the country.

The police are no longer a functioning entity here as according to a law, #228 the police can only function as long as they are working for the citizens of Nicaragua. They are no longer working for the people. They are working for the Sandinistas. So right now, Nicaragua is pretty much in the state of chaotic anarchy.

What you will see are people robbing a store that has an ATM banking machine. People in the neighbourhood saw what was happening and came to the aid of the stores’ employees. They caught the would-be robbers in action, stripped them of their clothes and tied their hands up.

The problem with catching the robbers is, what happens to them now. There are no police to call. Technically there are no jails or holding cells. The court system is defunct now since most judges were Ortega supporters. So an interesting conundrum. What to do with the criminals?

Apparently, the best solution is to hand the would be criminals over to the Human Rights people who already have their hands full trying to protect people that have spoken out about the government.

robbery gone bad 6.png

robber gone bad 5.png

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robbery gone bad 2.png

robbery gone bad 1.png

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Stay safe! Local people protecting there own despite the government.sounds like a step in the right direction.

People are so fed up with the status quo and the government dictating what they can and can not do. They will start to take matters into their own hands.

I am so sorry to read this; how horrible. Continuing to send prayers to you and yours. (((gentle hugs)))

Thank you so much for your prayers and your support, @jcedwards. It means so much to me!

What's going on in Nicaragua??? How comes Latin America is never quite??

Just lucky I guess! Nicaragua was a quiet peaceful country when we first moved here. It has been in the last 18 months that it had started to change with the two months being absolutely horrible. The people don't want this. The government does. It is the old greed and power raising their ugly heads...

thank you so much for the update @cecicastor and for explaining how things are going there. sorry to hear about Elliot.

Elliot will be home from Hospital tomorrow. It just means his family won't have any money coming in while he is off work. The national insurance here is broke.

oh boy sorry to hear that. I guess everything is broken there.
something has to give. these are the times I wish I was a millionaire or billionaire.

I don't think all the money in the world or all the tea in China would solve the problems. The people need to find the peace within themselves first in order to have peace in their country. If you are at war with yourself how can you possibly find a peace for your country? The country is very fragmented now. If the Ortegas were to leave there is no one who could step up to the plate and lead effectively. In any case, whatever happens. the aftermath will take a long time to clean up.

yes that's a scary thought..the Ortegas need to leave but then what?
a more democratic election and governing system is definitely needed.

But you need someone who can lead. Right now we don't have anyone who can fill the shoes...

I vote for cecicastor!
get some common sense in there.
we'll start a campaign fundraiser on Steemit.

Hell, NO! I don't want any part of politics! That is definitely not my cup of tea! LOL

I was shocked when I read your message. I hope Elliot's arm will get better soon, but the situation is not good at all. No more legal order, your photos and your story show how bad it really is. I am very sorry for you and your family. I hope and pray that you will stay safe.

Thank you so much, Clio. Elliot should be out of hospital tomorrow. They don't keep people very long here. It could always be worse. So far my family is safe and we are healthy. So many people are depending on us for safety. We just keep our heads and tails down. We pray a lot for peace. But I don't think it is going to come anytime soon.

Oh my goodness! So sorry to hear about this, but praying that you and your family stay safe! 🙏🏿

Thank you so much. Prayers are always welcome. I think it will take a miracle for this to come to any sort of peaceful resolution.

I never realised it was so bad. We get very little news here without searching for it on Central America. Keep safe

Thank you. Someone told me that CNN ran a story today. I have not seen it yet. The Ortegas are pretty good at not letting too much information get passed them.

So sorry to hear that there's been no steps towards resolution, and it's hitting closer to home. I've sent you a message in Discord.

Thank you, @kiwideb! I got your message and replied. It is hitting closer to home. I don't think there is a family in Nicaragua that hasn't been affected in some way.

I think keeping their picture posted as known thieves and don't do business with them unless they pay back the damages they did to the business they stole from. Hang in there down there. Might be a good Idea to get outta there for a while!

We really can't leave yet. Chris is stuck in Managua because of the blockades. And we don't leave unless we are a complete unit. I have 21 people counting on me here. I can't just leave them in the lurch. It is complicated. War is never straight forward black and white.

Yes mam...….. I will pray for peace. Hang in there, hope you all stay safe through the madness.

Thank you so much, @makinstuff. I appreciate all the moral support and prayers that I can get.

Oh my! You have been on my mind all day, I am so sorry to hear this has happened. I hope Momma and baby are doing well! I hope and pray that will be nothing but a happy update from you during these terribly trying times!

The whole mam and baby saga is really trying. We took her to the clinic on Thursday. She was told to do a urine test and come back on Friday for the results. And the young doctor there told her she has to wait until 41 weeks has past and that would be on July 6th. Never mind that she is having labour pains now. So we returned this morning but the lost the test results. Fed up we took her to the hospital. Had her blood drawn, another urine test and told to go back at 3pm. Back we went at three pm and told that her results would be at the small clinic in Poneloya on Monday. Then she would have to wait until Tuesday to see a specialist who would negotiate a delivery day! I am flabbergasted! So we wait now until her water breaks and hope for the best. So far baby is still moving and fetal heart rate is still good. Mama is tired and so am I! maybe we will sleep tonight but I think not...

@longsilver suggested hitting the local veterinarian, if there is such a thing and you can get there. He should have all the drugs the doctor would have, no Rx required. At least in the US, that is how it works. Hemabate and methergen are what he said he would want on hand.

Excellent suggestion! I had thought of even enlisting the services the local vet if we can't get a doctor to do the c-section! Desperate times call for desperate measures. At least I trust the vet! I will get one of our trusted friends to see if he can get to the vets to get the meds. He is closer than we are. How we get from point A to point B...

In our county, the only person who can legally do any form of surgery is the vet... I never really thought of that until just now lol! There is a hospital the next county over though, it is not like we are really that isolated.

This conflict has made sure that people are isolated. Divide an conquer is the rule. Threaten and play lots of mind games. It gets old really fast...

Gets old fast for the victims and never gets old for the perpetrators... It will just go on and on until people STOP falling for it. And maybe humanity is waking up, some days it sort of seems like it. Hang in there!

Thanks, @fishyculture. I hope one day the people will wake up and do what they need to do to stop this nonsense.

So sorry to hear about your family member but glad he’s going to recover.
Wow, those thieves really caused a lot of damage! Glad they were caught at least. Definitely an issue of what to do with them. At the very least, they must be publicly shamed however possible.
When you are able to all leave together, where will you go? Traveling with a newborn will be incredibly difficult I’m sure. Sending you continued blessings, thanks for the update.

The Nicas will likely want to stay. They are afraid to stay, but also afraid to leave. It is not an easy choice for anyone. My family will leave together when it becomes necessary. Where we would go is a very good question. Is there anywhere in the world right now, that doesn't have some problem or another? The key would not to leap from the frying pan into the fire...

I hope when there is a lull in the fighting that you will be able to escape from this hell. Is it possible to return to Canada? How can you raise a family under such conditions? I pray you will be able to get out and live in a peaceful environment.

It is a challenge, John. Leaving has become an impossibility at the moment. With my son and his family stuck in Managua and with my other son and I looking after 21 people, it makes it difficult. Today it will be impossible for people to leave their homes. Blockades and violence have taken a step further. Where it will end, is anyone's guess. We could return to Canada but I think we would find it difficult now. It would certainly be a big adjustment for us. We have been living in Central America for almost twenty years. Our perspective on life has changed. We do not see things the same way as we used to. Up until about 18 months ago live here was very peaceful. Then things started to change. The last two months have been hell on earth. The question has to be asked - if we were to leave, where would we go? Canada is not the country it once was. Every country has problems at the moment. The world is unsettled...

I know that's how it seems, but one thing I've learned from experience - you become adjusted to a bad situation - even living in a war zone - Compared to that, Canada is heaven...

Wow this is getting close!! :(

He will be okay right? No permanent damage seems good..

It is escalating so fast ceci, please be safe!

Elliot will be home tomorrow. He won't be working for a while which means no money for his family. The national insurance here is broke. He paid into it for years like most of the Nicas.

I am so glad I checked the story-mentor group; I think of you often and see you getting out of there.

Well, good thing you were able to get medical help for the gunshot. It is getting too close to you with Elliot being shot. (I can't believe I just wrote shot.)

This was to be your sanctuary. We had thought of moving there. A friend of ours was living in the country telling us how wonderful it is. He left just before all the problems.

Keep posting and let know you are still able to get on the internet :)

Thank you for your support, @rebeccabe. It is really appreciated.

Wishing you all blessings, i hope things get better 😊

Thank you. Your wishes are appreciated. We hope they will get better too.


Sorry to hear about your son's brother in law. I wish for a speedy recovery for him. Amazing that Ortega needs two days to read two pages and think about it, all the while the problems will persist and more than likely increase.
I will continue to pray for you and your family.

We think he is stalling. Why is anyone's guess? We feel he thinks has an ace up his sleeves.

If he keeps jacking the people around he may have sleeves, just no arms to put in those sleeves. The people in the photos look pretty intense.

I think they are getting pretty tired of his games...

Oh wow. I have been very busy lately and haven't had a chance to check in on everyone lately. I had no idea it was getting this bad in Nicaragua.

I'm glad your brothers gunshot wound wasn't too bad. Stay safe.

We stay low and try to stay out of the line of fire. Thanks for checking in...

Hi ceci, we listened to your podcast with pennsif to have a better understanding of what you are having to endure. Your dedication to helping victims of the violence surrounding you is to be commended. The prepper and organizational side of your group has really come together. I know now why leaving your homestead would be difficult as bonding with your neighbors over the atrocities taking place is a forever tie.
My only wish is that somehow you could replenish your stock of medical supplies and food. Do you foresee a way that might happen?
I realize Nicaragua may not be the hotseat of big oil, gold, mining, but I am still someone who believes human life is worth saving. I applaud your efforts my friend. God be with you! ❤️🐓🐓

Thank you, @mother2chicks! Right now medical supplies are really short. We have found a natural medicine doctor who can help us out quite a bit. Also, a vet has some medicines we can get. Food will be a problem in a few weeks. We are trying to gro as much as we can as fast as we can, but we depend on Mother Nature to do her part. Thank you for your support. We really appreciate it.

You are all in my thoughts, this is horrible, hope your family member is OK and you all stay safe

We are safe and as secure as we can be. Elliot is at his mother's house. He could not travel any further because of the blockades. He will need time to heal and physio but chances of getting that here right now are not good.

Its Very unstable and unsure. Take care of yourself as best you can :)

I have been thinking of you, just been unable to keep up with how things are going. I really hope everything starts to get sorted, not sure how that will happen exactly but I envisage you staying safe, really sorry to hear about your son's brother in law xxxx

It has been crazy. We are still waiting to hear what Ortega will do. We have a feeling it is going to get worse soon. They are resorting to shooting 12-year-old boys now. This is just so sick. I find it hard to write about it just because it is so painful for everyone here.

my thoughts are with you, I can not imagine what you are going through, stay safe xx

I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy. So many young people are being killed for nothing. At 6:00 am local time today the attacks and violence intensified. I am trying to put together a post but the internet is wonky and cell phone too. We can hear the mortars and gunfire. We are safe behind the wall...

Wow. I hope your relation recovers. Is there a new baby yet?
That robber story is crazy! 😮

Elliot is at his mom's house because he couldn't go home because of the blockades. No baby yet...we are just trying to go with the flow. There are no police to call. They are all working as government thugs. So the people are taking things into their own hands...

I don't blame them. Good luck to you all. So far the only news I've seen about this besides here is from Truthout, I think it was. Granted, I am not a news junkie like I used to be, but no major sites reporting on it have crossed my feed! 😕

The news just isn't getting out and what is not completely accurate. This probably happens a lot in third world countries...

The world is headed straight to hell, I'm sure of it!

I think it is well on the way...

I have been thinking of you all weekend. I am disheartened by what is going on. My prayers and thoughts continue to be with you!

Thank you. @dswigle. Things have gotten decidedly worse. At 6:00 am local time, Ortega gave his response in the form of increased violence and attacks. More have died and many more injured. We are on lockdown here behind the walls. We can hear mortars and gunfire. Hopefully, they won't continue all night.

Worrying times I hope he gets better soon. Shocking there is still a blackout here I am trying make it know. Sending vibe to you all hoping solution can be agreed soon 💯🐒

Ortega's answer is to step up the attacks and violence. Started at 6:00 am local time. Many have died and more are injured. It just seems like an endless parade of what he can do to kill off his own people. The fighting is coming closer to us. We hear mortars and gunfire. We are safe behind the walls and we won't be venturing out anytime soon.

Man hold on in there thinking of you all and sending any vibe I can you ways. Seems quite barbaric no doubt the west have some play in it, which is why the blackout is there. Keep safe I hope you have what you need 💯🐒

Me too! We are good for supplies for about a month. After that, who knows what will happen...

All the best and keep us all posted. Hopefully something will have brought it to a close buy then 💯🐒

I hope so too, but I need to look at the very real possibility that this will continue for some time.

or vigilante justice, this is intense and amazing you still have internet to be able to post. ive heard of countries depleting like this worldwide and they cant communicate. can you go back to canada?