When I was young as I stated in my introduction I went through some difficulties in life. At 14yo being diagnosed with Hypertension I was placed on multiple experimental drugs. Effexor, effexor xr, a swathe of chemicals were thrown at my developing mind faster than any hugs or fatherly advice. I needed a mentor not a mentos shaped miracle and it was apparent yet the answer was psychotherapy. After being placed on every drug in the book I decided to stick with Cannabis. It worked for me and even better yet I didnt have these wicked thoughts of beheading my own father. ( A little about that : My father was going through a suicidal condition caused by ativan and other side effects produced by medications after his retirement from the navy. He raised me in karate and being the young man I was I felt taking his life myself would bring honor back to our family name. Picture a young boy shaking like a leaf bawling his eyes out in absolute distress over this thought... That was me when I was 14 yo a boy on Clonezapam and a cocktail of pills just wanting the dad that raised me back in my life). I never did get that dad back but hes much better now, much better. I blame big pharma on his major downfalls since I knew what the drugs were capable of doing. I wish I could tell my story in front of congress some day so they can understand this young man used Cannabis and got through the worst of times while pills destroyed a man who served the military for 20 years. I found the side effects of medications to be disastrous to ones body and still do. How Cannabis is not legalized or changed off the Schedule 1 status to me is the Criminal part and the criminals are the federal government.
Adding that when I grew older I found out through a Popular Science Magazine these drugs being prescribed to me and kids my age were not approved by the FDA for anyone under 21... I tore the page out and kept it. I still have it to remind me of the society we live in.
Heres a real kicker***
I was also kicked out of High School for not taking a piss test for Cannabis, halfway through my senior year with a 3.33gpa all over absences in a freshman class I had a 90% in. They kicked me out of a drop out prevention program I had been in since beginning high school.
Now I provide telephone services to the local private school we all wished we attended when we were younger at Ridgeview HS....