Donald Trump, Lets see how many up votes based on this mans stupidity we can get.

in president •  8 years ago 


If you think this man is a self entitled, no nothing mole on the ass of this planet give it an upvote. Lets see how many people know how bad of a disaster it would be for so many if this silver spoon fed man was ever elected. I am from the U.K and it even concerns me as too what could happen at this mans hands. I doubt this post will gain traction but i hope atleast the corn will get the recognition it deserves as Mr trump stole the corns hair cut and deported the corn and replaced it with good ole american home grown mossanto corn. ;)

#pleasegodno #thinkofthechildren #hewillturnamericaintohotels

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Sorry but Donald Trump is the only president that will get us out of this slump created by the last presidents. Donald trump is to JFK. We love him.

You really think a man born into wealth understands the struggles of the common hard working man? "a small loan of a million dolla's" that came from his mouth. Just because he made the same promise's as hitler doesn't mean he won't use the same means to achieve his deluded goals. He wants to ban muslims from the U.S. How can anyone justify that? Maybe the world should ban christains because of members for the KKK or westboro baptist church. One drop of mud in the ocean does not make the whole ocean dirty. Trump will do what every politician that chases greed does, he will move america's capital too tax havens while asking more out of the common american to subsidize that. Please tell me more about how this billionaire who speaks nothing but trash cares so deeply about america? :)

At least he didn't cry and quit immediately when the people voted against his EU plan...

David cameron was a bellend of the highest order. Now we have hitlers sister and boris the bumbler.... The thing that annoys me about all these politicians is the fact they don't even hide the dealings involving moving a countries capital to tax havens and subsidizing all that money with increased tax's on every day items and poorer people. The U.K is the biggest culprit with 80% of londons capital being based in tax havens.

You know how crooked they are, yet you do exactly as the media tells you to and attack the only person that isn't bought and paid for by the bankers and politicians. Why do you think every single tv channel and politician around the world has been attacking him for the last six months?

Trump is the only president in the last 100 years that doesn't owe everything to donors, bankers, and the crown. Make fun of your own politicians, we've got one that's gonna rock the boat.

donald trump is the media, stop being deluded. he owns stocks in fox news. he ows stocks in sky news. this man has a huge vested interest in the elite. im with you the media does that but i don't read mainstream news myself. I know where trump comes from and this man out sources everything and that will if he has it his way will include america. He has a monopoly and very little empathy for anyone who isn't rich. You yourself are believing right wing media. Maybe look into what this man owns and where the things those companies produce them and at what wage. Bangladesh and cents and hour. How can anyone support someone with such disregard for someones quality of life?

You know where trump comes from... A brit who doesn't watch the news...
Ok buddy. You just keep ranting from across the pond then.
I'm sure that will help solve everything.