US Presidential Debate Drinking Game

in presidential-debate •  8 years ago  (edited)

There are very few things I'd enjoy less than watching the debate, so I thought "How can I make this fun?"

A drinking game!

Here's how it works:

  • Everyone picks a candidate they will drink to, Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton.
  • Below are some keywords and phrases for each candidate. You drink when that person says one of their keywords (or meets another requirement, for instance, "Fails to answer a question").
  • Phrases don't need to be exact ("Making trade deals" qualifies for "Make deals").

If you're feeling ambitious, you can drink for both candidates.

Hillary Clinton

Take A Drink

  • Fails to answer a question
  • “Paycheck”
  • “Healthcare” or “Insurance”
  • “Climate change”
  • “Student loans”
  • “Free”
  • “Children”
  • “Minimum Wage”
  • “Tax the rich”
  • Pretends to be anti-war
  • Tells a short sob story (ex. “I’m running for Sarah in South Carolina who’s sick and can’t afford a doctor.”)

Chug Your Drink

  • Forgets what she was saying
  • Collapses
  • Says we need to get the national debt under control

Donald Trump

Take A Drink

  • Fails to answer a question
  • “Make America great again”
  • “Military”
  • “Women”
  • “Middle class”
  • “Jobs”
  • “Mexico”
  • “China”
  • “Trade”
  • “Make deals”

Chug Your Drink

  • “Rosie O’Donnell”
  • Mentions ending the Federal Reserve

These statements not approved by the surgeon general. Make sure to hydrate.

This message was approved by Ron Paul.
Okay, that's a lie.

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I'm gonna play it, but I'm sure mexico will come up ten times in the first five minutes of the debate. The great thing about this idea is, now my girlfriend might watch this debate if there's drinking involved.

For game-designing purposes, I listened to Clinton and Trump speeches this morning. You wouldn't believe how many times Trump said "women." That word alone might be enough to get you drunk. Cheers!

That beer just got 10 times bigger! :D

I'm glad Ron Paul approves this! hahah

I have a feeling there's going to be a LOT of drunk citizens very soon. 😂😂😂

Let the games begin!!