@ChukaUmunna and @CarolineLucas: STOP RACE AND HATE BAITING against the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES! #ShameOfOurNation!

in presidenttrump •  6 years ago  (edited)

@ChukaUmunna and @CarolineLucas: STOP RACE AND HATE BAITING against the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES! #ShameOfOurNation!
This letter is written to tell you both straight: you are dangerous and irresponsible agitators making things WORSE not better!

RETWEET THIS ARTICLE HERE: https://twitter.com/JohnTheWhite1/status/1140562127771656192

In November 2016 a REVOLUTION in the world order occurred because of the US Presidential Election.

The much despised demeaned and downtrodden heartland of America rose up and REBELLED against the ideology of Globalism!

Unifying around the mission to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN they elected the most incredible man, Donald J Trump, to be President of the United States.

The corrupt and failed deep state order, represented by its agents in both the Democrat and Republican parties, was exposed and REJECTED in a Renaissance and Reformation of Democracy.

How did these defeated forces handle this? With grace and good will in the name of respecting democracy?

They LIED and SMEARED and spread every possible smear, both to try to prevent the election AND afterward, whipping up mobs to riot and smash up communities and HATE HATE HATE!

Two and a half years later, these Agents of Hate from the cult of globalism have failed and failed again and been rebuffed at every turn, as again and again the Trump Administration has delivered for America:

So if you think the patriots of Britain will suffer YOU TWO trying the same bullshit to agitate and whip up hatred HERE: You are mistaken!

Not the first time, but yesterday, Sunday 16th June 2019, BOTH of you went whipping up the hate telling those SAME lies!

Read this terrible article here: https://www.independent.co.uk/voices/jo-cox-hate-nigel-farage-boris-johnson-compassion-politics-a8960271.html

Now you will both be set right and exposed for your lies: so all can see who YOU, behind your mask of pretended virtue, REALLY are…

And lets state it right from the top: you are BOTH Globalists:

You have no interest in Democracy other than as a route to power: when it doesn’t go your way you throw your toys out of the pram and have a tantrum: you both believe in an elitist international order that the Nation State must be subordinate too, and your policies do nothing else but further burden and destabilise society by imposing the costs of your ridiculous obsessions with trashing our economy with Green taxes and overloading our services with Mass Immigration. And this, more than anything else, is why you are both rejected by a massive proportion of the British people.

But this isn’t enough for you. Having lost the policy debates and without a single positive argument for staying in the European Union or the carnage your policies both would and do cause:

Caroline Lucas, your article in the Independent was a straight out smear, standing on the corpse of Jo Cox to LIE about your political opponents. Little could be more disgusting that your low-life behaviour. We see this from you again and again, claiming to be a paragon of progressive virtue when all you do is divide and smear.

Chukka Umunna, you project the big three “trigger words” by which the emotions of decent people are manipulated to hate on your enemies “Racist” “Sexist” “Islamophobe”, trigger trigger trigger, hate hate hate, no need to debate: when you demonise your enemy as a monster, you create radicalising extremism that incites people to lose their reason: and act like fascists!

“Is Donald Trump A Racist?”

Anyone who stopped to think about this properly for just a minute would realise how absurd this is!
President Trump has been an international businessman at the top level most of his life. He has done deals and employs people all around the world. The very idea that anyone could operate at such a strata of business and be stupid enough to suffer the delusion of racism is moronic!

There are thousands of people from a BAME background who have worked for Donald Trump, and they ALL say the same thing: he is the nicest person who is kind and thoughtful who has never discriminated against anyone!

“What about the lawsuit against Trump in the 70’s?”

Both Trump and his father did not build their property empire providing to the rich: but to the poor. Fred Trump in particular developed vast amounts of what we would now call “social housing” in New York. During that period, the Democrats would shake down the pockets of businesses in a scam where they would make allegations and give companies the choice of either paying up “protection money” or face ruinous legal action, enforced by the organs of the state. It was a scam being played across the whole of American society that led to a handful of black american tenants to cry wolf about discrimination: it simply wasn’t true.

Funnily, there is so much evidence President Trump has been a true friend to ALL of Americas people, totally regardless of colour or sex, it was unthinkable to call him a racist: until he stood up to run against the corrupt Hilary Clinton!

“What about Mexicans?”

The lies of the media have projected their own narrative on top of what President Trump has said. He has NEVER claimed its “Mexicans” as a people who are bad: but he has rightly said the operation of criminal gangs FROM Mexico over the US border is an outrage that must stop: and that the Mexican government has been complicit for many years. From people traffickers, drug smugglers, gun runners and the ultra-violent MS13 Gangers, the southern states have been suffering predation across the insecure border for MANY YEARS: its simply that President Trump has been the first person to ever be elected to Political office on the promise to do something about it who has delivered!

“Isn’t the Wall Racist?”

Ask politicians like democrat Chuck Schumer or Diane Feinstein, plus the many others, who have not only spoken in favour of a wall, but VOTED for it in the past! #AnythingToGetPower

Its only now its being delivered, and wrecking Democrat plans to stuff the cities with illegal migrants who will vote Democrat out of loyalty for being let in (yes Democrats collude to give illegals the vote), that suddenly a secure border is "racist". Huge amounts of money in this criminal trade, guess whose pockets are being stuffed with enormous bribes? Guess who is now terrified of blackmail from those same criminals? EVERY BLEATING POLITICIAN WHO CALLS A SECURE BORDER AND THE RULE OF LAW “Racist”

“But isn’t deporting illegals racist?”

Ask Obama. He was known as “the deporter in chief” and a big game of “catch and release” played out, where people have tried to break into America and go to ground, then get caught, dropped back over the border, and do it all over again.

At the same time, the surge of people trafficking and people being paid to form caravans from countries like Honduras have overloaded the border security. THAT’S why there are so many people being detained in the pictures the media has slammed Trump for: but this was all going on under Obama too, and Trump wants to SOLVE the problem: build the wall, cut the flow, simples! What he wont do is be weak and fail to defend the rule of law for ALL Americans.

As for the children, around 40% are being HIRED from people traffickers, and the people they are with are NOT their parents, but their abusers. Rapes are endemic “a price to be paid” to get smuggled across by the people traffickers, and there are estimated to be over 300,000 child prostitutes in the USA, the majority trafficked in from the south. That’s why these children must be separated until it can be confirmed people claiming to be their relatives truly are!


“But he is a sexist who hates women!”

Frankly, this is extraordinarily stupid.

All men, AND women, have a sexual side and make sexualised remarks about the opposite sex: this doesn’t mean they are haters, and indeed, consent to “trash talk” is part of EVERYONE’s healthy relationships: so, get off the high horse!
One bit of locker-room talk from a private conversation that simply told the truth was used to throw this smear at then-Candidate Trump: but it’s a truth of human existence there are always women who are happy to use their sexuality to attract the attention of wealth and celebrity. There always have been and always will, and the same applies to men too.

As an International businessman it would be insane for President Trump to be a sexist, same as the absurdity of thinking he is a racist, it would be totally irrational and massively damaging to his business: the idea is simply absurd! It’s also the height of hypocrisy that Hillary Clinton cast that dirt at him while she was stood next to abused intern Monica Lewinski as she sucked off her husbands cock... in the actual Oval Office!

President Trump is a family man, who loves his children, his wife, and supports the institution of marriage and the security stability happiness and prosperity it brings: and as President, he has done immense amounts to open up the top level of the workplace to women, with his policies to promote female entrepreneurs. Female unemployment is at the lowest level in the USA for over 60 years! (same for the BAME community, historic records get smashed by the Trump administration)

While liars like “Stormy Daniels” have had to admit her claims of an affair never happened: nor is it sexist in itself to transact with a prostitute: don’t hear anyone denounce Holland or Germany as sexist nations?
Just grow up and get real!

“Ok but come on, surely he is Islamophobic?”

Sceptical about the ability of radicalised fundamentalist Islam to integrate into US society? Only a moron wouldn’t be! Importing a brutal medieval mindset into a modern society is a recipe for disaster, as the 1000’s of raped children in the UK also know! Its only ever a proportionate few, but the damage of both their actions AND the years of cover-up to spare establishment blushes has been immense: while theres Silence from both of you about the mass abuse of Britians children: Umunna and Lucas, SHAME ON YOU!

But regardless, it is a LIE to say there is a “Muslim Ban”. The majority of the Islamic world is totally unaffected by these safety measures, based on the States the OBAMA administration defined as unable to properly vet the people they are sending to America. Its NOT about Religion, or Race, its about basic background checks to make sure dangerous people who want to hurt and kill Americans and destroy American society aren’t being let in through a blindside loophole

But then when it comes to RACE, you know all about Racebaiting and weaponizing the colour of your own skin, don’t you Mr Umunna? Its YOU who make criticisms of the disaster of Sadiq Khan, a proven mendacious liar, about his religion: its you using RACE to shield that failed politician from justified criticism of his failure: this is Race Baiting of the WORST kind:

As you also indulge in Caroline Lucas, talking from your WHITE PRIVILEGE as if YOU can speak for the BAME community of America, when the truth is, despite the propaganda, the fantastic results the Trump Administration is achieving has seen support amongst ALL ethnic groups rise and rise and rise MORE and MORE and MORE! Black Americans for Trump, Latinos for Trump, Women for Trump: the people see MAGA delivering and like what they see: and #WalkAway from the implicit racism of the Democrat Party: the party that supported Slavery and was AGAINST the civil rights movement until it was polling over 50% support: the gaslighting lies of the Democrat party must be a like a Saul Alinksy textbook for you…

What do YOU, with your pathetic smearing and posturing, look like to them?
A privileged elitist white idiot who dares lie about their President and claim to speak for them!


Its quite right that the British people must be properly informed, and our own fake news media isn’t up for the job (YET!): because then they see people like you for what you really are!

Labour, Greens, LibDems, and weirdo small parties like Change UK, you are all bereft of a real policy platform, and manipulating emotions with lies is all you have left to try to shore up your own support. Every mind that sees through you is a mind freed that you will never weaponize for your own power again.

“Isn’t Britain divided? Oh the hate!” The liberal commentators from London say as they wring their hands. But it is NOT divided by the good-hearted people who love their country: BUT BY THEM!

Rather we have become a "divided hateful society" because of Globalist change agents like the pair of YOU, demonising your opponents as monsters, smearing those who uphold democracy about all else as fascists and racists and all the rest of it.

So, its YOU and the other politicians like you who are responsible for dragging both debate and protest down to the demented howls of incited hate:

And didn’t this get shown to the world during POTUS’s state visit?

Its YOU who are entirely responsible for creating a fascist intolerant left that screams hate, commits hate attacks, and wreck lives: ask Siobhan Prigen, who got so wrapped up in the hate projected by people like you, Emily Thornberry, Jeremy Corbyn: and yes, Sadiq Khan, she became the very MONSTER she thought she opposed, screaming hate into the face of a pensioner.

It is ONLY because she happened to be the one caught on the TV cameras engaging in that behaviour that she was confronted with the reality of what she was doing beyond YOUR brain washing. The shame and horror has no doubt caused her great hurt and certainly wrecked her life; but where is YOUR apology for the victims of your dirty tactics? As if your monstrous arrogance would ever see you apologise for the pain and harm you cause…


The world has changed: your power to coral minds and enslave them to the doctrines of Globalism is broken and becomes weaker by the day: both of your political careers, especially Umunna’s, are already effectively over: and you will NOT continue to behave like this without being exposed as what you are.

This article is one voice that speaks for MANY: and you will never get us back into the box!
The true inclusive tolerant and GOOD force in society is colour blind, and about fairness, justice, democracy and the RULE OF LAW: all concepts YOU, in truth, left behind a long time ago.

Your day is done! And your lies and hateful smears against he rightful leader of the Free World shame Britain and every single one of us who hasn’t got our heads bent round by propaganda: as others continue to wake from the Fake News trance, your true role in history as hatemongering demagogues are what you will truly be remembered for:

So, for the Love of Britain, and if there is a shred of honour left in either of you: do the RIGHT thing: give healing our wounded society a chance: AND RESIGN!

John The White

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