Somewhere along the way, press releases got a bad rap when it comes to marketing. The truth is press releases are still a solid form of marketing that is sorely underused by small business owners. Learn why press releases are still a particularly good marketing strategy, how to use them, and how to get the most out of your PR efforts.
Why press releases got a bad reputation
Press releases have always been a great way to get the news out about your company. Unfortunately, like many marketing tactics, some marketers began to abuse the tactic. Why? Many marketers found that getting backlinks from some of the top PR sites around was good for SEO. As a result, some less reputable marketers began cranking out non-newsworthy press releases just for the sake of the link with no disregard to the news (or lack of it). As a result, many press release sites started making their links no-follow links to try and discourage the practice. However, just because press releases aren’t the most valuable resource for link building doesn’t mean they don’t have value. Once marketers found out these links were likely of little value, they threw the baby out with the bathwater, so to speak, and shied away from doing press releases.