Pressure, Contributed by @Olawalium

in pressure •  6 years ago 


Pressure comes at certain stages of our lives. We feel choked up and get easily frustrated. While some handle it better, based on exposures and learning, others don’t do too well with it. No one likes being pressured. No one enjoys going through pressure.

We all want things with ease, but pressure is not entirely a bad thing. It forces us to think fast, re-strategize, and do proper planning. I admit, if not properly managed, others might break as a result of it.

We are all different and we handle things way too differently. I have met people that say they give their best when under pressure because they can think deeper and leverage on exercising their inner peace and I have seen quite a few people who fold, gave up and never remained the same. Our exposure is our reality. When pressure comes, we should try so hard to maintain an inner peace and know it will pass. Once we view it differently, we might use it to our advantage and not necessarily break us.

There is some pressure that we pile upon ourselves that is totally uncalled for. So many external pressures and even internal pressures that are so uncalled for. I am not against challenging ourselves, I am not against pushing ourselves to be a better person, but when that pressure is making us lose our sense of worth and ability to think logically, I think we can all admit that it is never a good thing. It is only a matter of time till that person folds.


Once we know our strength, we can know how best to handle any pressure that comes our way and how to use it to our advantage. Pressure comes from our spouse, girlfriend, fiancee, work, and all sort of things. Like I said, some can be totally avoided if we just know ourselves, and take our stand on certain delicate issues.

We need to also prioritize, which sometimes help lessen the burden of the pressure, so it won’t get to us too much and become unbearable for us to handle.

Sometimes parents pile up pressure on us that are totally uncalled for. Most of the time, this pressure comes because they want us to go through a certain thing, just because they also went through it. They sometimes forget we have different capacities to handle things. Because they got married at a certain age, they want us to (external pressure), because our parents live in a certain house, we also want to live in such (internal pressure). Like I said, some of them are good, if it drives us to be better, but we can all agree that​ some of these pressure can be totally avoided or better managed, without necessarily breaking us.

I will share with you in the next part, a true life story of a lady friend, who got pressured by her parents and what she had to go through. be continued…

Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn’t bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.

Olawalium; (Love’s chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today: doctor’s order.

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Seeking to then try to meet certain conditions so life can be overcome, Someone who feels competent enough resolve the situation depressed will also develop how to give a special response.

The person will try to judge the situation objectively and choose the most appropriate solution among the various solutions that come to mind. After determining the strategy, he will take a certain action and then assess the feedback. Whether the solution's strategy / technique is effective or fails to solve the problem, a change of attitude will still occur.

Protect yourself from the possibility of malfunction and disorganization of psychological functions. each person has an individual way of maintaining the integrity of his personality function, especially when faced with a serious threat from the pressures of his life. How to cope with that kind of pressure is called self-defense orientation. The response is more to defend against the possibility of injury or disturbance of mental balance than solve the problem. Sometimes the pressure of our lives, which psychologically, can actually be useful to stimulate the emergence of the potentials that buried in a person, and stimulate the creation of an intensive process of creativity. Living in a normal situation usually makes people so lazy, less creative and less productive. Not the normal situation that is the problem. But humans do basically need strong stimulants to move. And life pressure is one of those stimulants. if in the context of human tendencies we do not like the pressures of life, then in the context of the development of the soul, we sometimes require the stimulation of life pressure to blow our hidden potentials. Despite the fact that not everyone can succeed through pressure.

Our Anxiety and Pressure can now be a major force that moves in times of resurrection. This is the spring that gives energy to move and move, to stagger as it falls and wakes up, to feel in uncertainty. Nevertheless we move even under pressure. We are all overwhelmed by anxiety and pressure because of the great distance between idealism and reality, between hope and reality. We sense that great distance, become anxious and move our bodies. Perhaps, there are those who do not feel it, so they may not be anxious and do not move. May we be kept away from this. That's the problem. The gap between suffering and the feeling of suffering, and a pressure that ends at an opportunity or a destruction.

The pressures are so overwhelming our lives, which makes us trustworthy people. The previous gallant steps, becoming restrained as if there were no way and another way to reach better achievements in the future. If we are sincere in life and accept everything that happens in this life, then actually a lot of lessons and lessons that we can learn for us more daring to walk. Easily this paper can be transformed into something that is full of gratitude. The problem or problem of life is part and life in the world and no one can evade it. Therefore, let us reflect and face all that makes life for a better life.

Sometimes the pressure of our lives, which psychologically, can actually be useful to stimulate the emergence of the potentials that buried in a person, and stimulate the creation of an intensive process of creativity. Living in a normal situation usually makes people so lazy, less creative and less productive. Not the normal situation that is the problem. But humans do basically need strong stimulants to move. And life pressure is one of those stimulants.

This settled it. Always detailed and wonderful as always. I enjoyed this and learned from this, really. Thank you so much.

Pressure may shaped us or break us, it all depends on our approach towards it. Life itself posses a lot of pressure, the desire to make it in life is part of the pressure, seeing your mate doing great things, you will be pressurize from family, friends, lover and our parents. Pressure is not something we can avoid most especially when the going is not that good, a lot of negative comments from people will surely pose in, and If one is not careful, you already give up and accept defeat.

Life doesn't give you much, but for the ones who want to learn, life teaches them how to be strong before they start living their lives and win over pressure that life might posses through friends or relatives. We have to remain strong and focus no matter the threat of life to us.

Since we have no control over nature and it disasters of our reality through pressure that life might posses from any angle , all I can say is that we have always prepared for the negativity of life, life they say is not always a bed of rose, there is no one that is real from life challenges, we just have to face ours squarely and never be consumed by the fear it posses nor pressure from our family . There is no one you ask on this earth that won't have one or two things to say about what they have passed through. We have to remember that we are only free form the persecution of life only when we are no more alive so I will say we have the ability to overcome these challenges. It is with this sense of responsibility and awareness that you we can begin the journey into a higher state of consciousness where challenges are no longer challenges, but opportunities to get a glimpse of our highest
Remember nothing can stop you from achieving your positive dream and goal, never stop believing and always remember to grow the pressure of life, ride on and never lose focus.

We shouldn't expect much from life other than the challenges it posses which give us much tough time, we have to remain positive at all time through any pressure of life.

Thank you @olawalium for this beautiful write-up.

Pressures are part of our existence, we can never be free from them as long as we are living. Their is no one comfortable enough without wanting more. That's where pressure set in. But like you said, it is always better if we can have an healthy one that is capable of helping us to become the better version of ourselves.

I've know people that behave calmly, wisely and better each time they are under pressure. In fact, their was a man that used to tell me that he think better when under pressure. He said his brain can generate ten answers to a single problem whenever he's under pressure.

Though, not all can be boast of this ability, but learning to handle pressure well is a sign of maturity.

Internal pressure usually aimed at improving us while the external one always end up destroying us. Nobody know you better than you know yourself, if it is not the next on your list, don't allow yourself to be pushed into it, it could lead to you been pressurised unhealthily.

Thank you @olawalium and @communitycoin

You have spoken so well bro. We need to learn how to handle it so well. How we handle determines how far we have grown and how far we can go. Yes, it forces us to think and pushes us in direction we never thought before. We should use it as strength rather than see it the other way. Eagles uses external pressure to rise above the storm rather than give in to it.

Well done and thank you brother.

It takes great mind to still understand it..... Lol

Thanks for always been amazing too

I don't like being pressured at all.
I sometimes lose my mind when I am....
I love to do things at my leisure and pressure just makes things complicated for me.
I may deliver when pressured but trust me, it might not be my best.
Nigerian parents are fond of putting pressure on their kids, especially we the female kids...
More pressure is placed on us to get married.
I can't remember how many times my Mom has asked when I was gonna get married
That kind of question just sucks me up and I really hate it.... Lol

Hahahahaha i can relate to that. Not only the ladies, but the guys too. Once you start working, even if it is not enough to feed you, they bring up the wife matter. Are you to get married to suffer another soul? They think of now, and not of later. Thank God i didn't feel pressured in such area, if not, i wouldn't have listened to them. Pressure is not entirely bad, it pushes us in the direction we haven't been thinking before, but how we see it, determines how we respond of react to it.

Don't worry, tell mama to cool it down. Hahaha.

Thanks for sharing this dear.

In fact, I have come to view the inevitable periods of pressure that accompany leadership and life as a golden opportunity to do some of my best work when it matters most — and to engage with the people around me in a most meaningful way. The opportunity to perform under pressure, in the face of adversity, and to meet or exceed expectations is key to lifting our contribution profile over time. It seems to me that it is in those moments where the odds are stacked against us, when the heat is palpable and the stakes feel high, that, at our best, we can delight in rising to the challenge and prevailing. Or, at the very worst, in the words of Teddy Roosevelt — if we fail, at least we fail while “daring greatly” — which is a better fate than joining the ranks of “those cold and timid souls who neither know victory or defeat.”

Hahahahahaha i enjoyed this too. Detailed and spot on. We should rise with it and stay above, rather than fold. Even companies like seeing on your CV "Ability to work under pressure". It depends on how we see it. It could be good, and it could be bad. So many have been broken under its weight and so many have soared through it. Approach and attitude matters.

Thanks again bro.

Pressure is often viewed as a negative force in our lives. Understandably so. Undue pressure can be an enormous cause of stress and turmoil. But each challenge that comes along also presents important questions that test our character, our approach to leadership, and our approach to life: Do we dare to engage in the face of such pressures? Do we have the gumption to give it our all, knowing full well that we may fall visibly short? Do we have what it takes step up to the stresses of life? It has been my experience that it is essential to find a way to respond to all of these questions with a resounding, “yes.”

Yesssss!. You just nailed it. We need to respond to it, rather than react to things. How we handle it shows how far we have grown and how we could be entrusted with responsibility. Like @mammasitta said earlier today, "Deal with it" Love yourself enough not to fold under it but to use it as strength.

Thanks a lot brother.

This is so true, pressure helps some people to do better at things and does not help some people. I am one of the people it does not help, whenever i am pressurized, i just quit and stand down, but as i have read this post , i will start trying my best to maintain my inner peace and turn pressure to my advantage.

I am glad you have recognized the need for help, and that is the first step to recovery. So yes, try and use it to your advantage. Be deliberate about it and ask for help when you should, it is not a crime to do so. Well done and thanks for sharing this.

Their are some people who will not make move until they are pressured and I've seen some give there best performance under pressure

Exactly. That was why i said it forces us to think and re-strategize. It makes us think in line we haven't thought before, and how we respond to it determines a lot.

It ain't always easy to use the inner peace when pressure comes, we don't even think of inner peace at times. And it's the best to use cos the more you can handle pressure determine how strong you are

Yes, it is not easy, but never impossible. How we respond to it determines how far we have grown. Thanks a lot brother.

Thanks for the insight as well

Nice post you shared here you say right here pressure because they can think deeper.