Why use a 9-ending price on your offer

in price •  7 years ago 

Buy my product for only 2.99$
Rent my service for just 49$

It is the most common pricing trick for decades, and you probably see it on a daily basis.

So why use 2.99$ and not 3.00$?
Why use 49$ and not 50$?

because even though you as a customer well aware to the fact that it is just a cosmetic trick, and the difference is just 1 cent or 1 dollar, your mind grasp that difference way bigger than it actually is.
An experiment that took place several years ago showed that by using only this 9-ending trick, sales were high by 8-12 percent in compare to the round ending price.
It is quite amazing when taking into consideration the fact that the customers were probably aware to that trick.

So, even though it's the oldest trick in the book, keep using it. It work!

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