About the Blueseal

in primaltherapy •  8 years ago 

  I was born in June 1955 on the island of Orust, on the nothern part of the swed- ish west-coast. It was the same year as Stalin died and Chrustjev started to take over power in Russia. My father, Lars, was born 1913, being 20 when Hitler took over Germany. During WW2 Lars spent some time in a boarder patrolling unit near Norway. Much of his young adult- hood passed during the Hitler and WW2-period. He became an alcoholic. The biggest pain, (that I was aware of) in my early childhood was my father being drunk, screaming at my mother. 

 My mother, Else, was 6 years younger. So when they were 14/20 years old, the great depression was right there. They were both brought up on farms, their parents being old type small-scale farmers, basically selfsufficient, but of course, as everybody else, partly in the hand of bankers.  Almost all the farmers around me could support themselves with food, sweet-water, building a small house (taking wood for heating from the surrounding woods). Fresh fish from the north-see (Skagerack) was always available as well as elk-meat in emergency.  

Food, water, heating and housing were (1950-60-70) already solved problems as long as parasitic politicians and criminal bankers did’nt take the solutions away from people The name of the game was independence, selfsufficiency and freedom, a lifestyle they all wanted.

However, almost all became slaves under bankers and politicians. I saw all this in my teens. It seems as they all “ordinary people” suffered from the kind of neurosis where people always tries to be nice towards agressors, slavemasters and liars. They just did not know how to defend themselves against parasitic, stealing politicians and bankers (the bankingsystem itself!). 

I could – more or less – read and write when I arrived to school and the four basics in math only took weeks to learn. It was such a pain to sit there in school and waste time as I lived in a paradise with fantastic nature. Together with my 2-3 friends, I wanted to explore rivers, mountains, build cabins in the woods, digg islands in the rivers, bike and row and run around. I wanted no school, I did not need any school. I once said to my mother “I can already read and write and count and english and geograpy, I dont want to go to that prison. If there is something I need to learn, I can do it here (at home). You know all the stuff anyway”.   

I became a quite rebellious loner. I could not stand mean authorities in school or anywhere else. I was "oversensitive" to critizism and bullying and therefore, I suppose, bullied a lot by stronger boys in school and sports - until I became strong myself around the age of 15.  

Much later, after taking a masters Degree in Psychology I was certain: The governmental establishment indoctrinationcamps, called school and universities are largely highly destructive, takes away peoples instinct to go for the right things, do good and to explore and invent . I am not going to repeat myself often here on Steemit, but I do it once : Almost all people are still ignorant about whats behind psychosis, psychopathy and neurosis namely repressed child/babyhood traumas and imprinted pain. Most alternative media  have the intention to tell the truth and to do good for other people. But because of a hopelessly corrupt western world university system even alternative media are unaware of the biggest solution of them all:

“Shrinks, all over the world, forget all you learned!” That is the mental illness solution. Not for all, not for 100 % of the worlds population but largely THE solution. It is Arthur Janovs Primal Therapy. Frederick leBoyers birthmethod goes hand in hand with Primal Therapy as well as  extreme carefulness during pregnancy.  I completely agree with Arthur Janov, founder of Primal Therapy: “Shrinks, all over the world, forget all you learned”. Janov, now 93, has “Truth is Revolutionary” as title on the Primal Center Website. In these times when truthmedia replaces old fake news media, I hope enough money will be raised to make fair, objective research on Janovs Primal Therapy!  

 About the Bankingsystem                                                                                                                                        A little bit like senator Cato repeated that “Cartago must be destroyed”,  I want to show this quote from Josiah Stamp once again (Stamp was the boss  for Bank of England in the 1920-s and Englands second richest man): "The Bankers own the earth. Take it away from them, but leave the power to create deposits and with a flick of a pen they will create enough deposits to buy it back again. However take it away from them and all the fortunes, like mine, will disappear, and they ought to disappear, for this world would be a happier and better place to live in. But if you wish to remain slaves oft he bankers and pay for the cost of your own slavery, let them continue to create deposits". Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are major solutions! 

Alternative media and the missing link                                                                                                             I have the greatest respect for truth-tellers like Berwick, Alex Jones, Paul Craig Roberts, Ron Paul, Nigel Farage, G Edward Griffin and many more. They all expose the establishment-lies from the warmongering western worlds  mainstream media. Western world mainstream media is mainly owned and controlled by psychotic/psychopathic offshore/Wall Street bankers that own the major resources in  of the western world. Alex Jones is a good  example of how primal pain effects people. No matter how right Alex Jones is about the US corrupt Deep State, his enormous anger is based in Primal early pain, not in what Hillary Clinton or George Soros or Obama did or does. Unfortunately that neurotic anger (behind strong anger one will always find primal pain) makes him put out lots of nonsense too. Like that Juncker “basicall is a Luxemburgish dictator. I know former classmates to Juncker and people in the Luxemburgish parlament. Alex Jones mentioned statements about Junckers role in Luxemburg has almost zero connection to reality. Juncker is however a very corrupt “New World Order – minded politician. Alex Jones  is absolutely right about the evil agenda from “the new world order crowd” but he can not  debate as his enormous neurotic anger takes over, giving no space for others to talk. That’s sad.  

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