The missing link in alternative media

in primaltherapy •  8 years ago 

Jeff Berwick at The Dollar Vigilante is a popular Steemit contributor. I think he makes a great job, informing people about cryptocurrencies, criminal central bankers and governmental politicians. Berwick also bring thousands of likeminded people together in the Anarchapulco conference and in related conferences like the Freedomfest in Las Vegas and G Edward Griffins Red Pill initiative. We see the most important questions formulated here (repressed in mainstream media and universities): What is it that really can free humanity from the psychopathic banking elite slavemasters of the world? What can free humans from mental illness, turning to drugs and suicide? And much more. It is great stuff and I will join! Berwick is a part of free truthseeking alternative media and he works every day with it, inspiring hundreds of thousands of people if not millions. That’s great, it really gives hope for a more free and much better world.   What I offer here is what I consider to be solutions/improvements in the same spirit. So don’t take these words as a sign of me being an enemy of mr Berwick. To the contrary I like his work and respect it.  

To the point.  First and most importantly,  he doesn't know what’s behind psychosis, psychopathy and neurosis (also behind his own depression that he openly writes about), namely repressed child/babyhood trauma and imprinted pain. For people who are not familiar with Primal Therapy I recommend to spend an hour or so, learning from Arthur Janovs website (search Primal Center, Janov). I believe Janovs Primal Therapy and related methods like Frederick le Boyers birthmethod and extreme carefulness during pregnancy are some of the most important answers and solutions of the major human problems existing today.  Primal therapy, Frederick le Boyers birthmetod and extreme care during pregnancy are about giving humans the ability or inability to feel needs, to give them the chance to feel. The automatic human defense-system functions so that whole blocks of feeling-ability are cut off during and then after an early, severe trauma. Early trauma results in mental illness of all kinds: Depression, psychosis, psychopathy, fobias, obsessions.  

One result of early severe trauma is psychopathy. Recent research shows that the amygdalae (key-structure in the limbic feeling center in the mid-brain) are severly damaged among psychopaths. See  “A Brain Gone Wrong”, Scientific American/ Mind. 3, Sept. 2010. Intellectual psychopaths are drawn to the money and power in politics, secret intelligence institutions, large companies and banks.  On the other side of the coin we see neurotic people who cannot feel that something is wrong, for ex. when psychopathic politicians traps them into financial slavery. Typically these people – as babies or children - had to accept any kind of ruthless treatment from their parents.   Janovs Primal Therapy has been treated by mainstream psychology like Trump have been treated by western world mainstream media: Like shit. Constantly attacked by the establishment banker controlled mainstream media. Mainstream media PR and school educations system PR are about big money and power for their bosses and friends in the establishments. Dr. Janov recently wrote following on his website: Shrinks everywhere: Forget all you ever learned. I could not agree more after after decades in both these worlds. He is 100 % right. I myself have a Masters Degree in psychology and have been through Janovs Primal Therapy (in LA by Janov) so I’m no beginner in this field. I know that we are talking about the most important finding ever but Janov does not sit on trillions of dollars like his main opponents within the pharmaceutical (drugs, drugs and drugs again) industry or (for ex.) in the Rockefeller/Carnegie/Ford Foundations, that fund and directs much of research money in the world of University-level psychology: 

These research-funds gives thousands of professors all over the world money to pay for their summerhouses and cars! A vast majority of these professors and doctors – (in the academic world of psychology) do not want a mental health solution although exactly that should be their major professional goal.  They want money and many of them will defend their projects and  will be dishonest. As far as I know, all Universities refuse to put down the necessary money to – big time and objectively - do research about the results of Primal Therapy. It should not come as a surprise. Very effective cancer treatments are repressed in the same way (see G Edward Griffins “A world without cancer”): By ignoring it, not financing studies, by letting the mega-money go to what the establishment approves, etc.. This is important to understand because it potentially stops millions of people from getting much better lives: 

Alternative media have the capacity to bring out the truth in this field as the usually look for the truth. Forget about fake mainstream media.  

Swiss Direct Democracy: My second point is that there certainly needs to be done things in the area of state-functioning and decentralization of power. We just need to remove psychopaths from power. I believe that anarchy would function very well in a sain world where the majority of people were happy and strong. But too many people are too damaged for functioning in anarchy. We have to start with something from todays world and we have it. I know how Swiss Direct (very decentra- lized) Democracy functions and Switzerland is – by far - the best functioning country in the world. That’s the way to go! Use the  Switzerland model with even more decentralization, absolutely in direction more anarchy (more freedom and less governmental powers)!  Increased use of Bitcoin and  EOS would certainly make Switzerland an even better place!  

Until next time ….best regards from the Blue Seal!  

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