After Cliff Burton died Metallica was forced to find another bass player .
On october 1986 they organized audition in their unused rehearsal place with
Cliff Burton's " old " gear .
Hundreds of people came to fill Cliff Burton's place but Metallica rejected them
one by one even on the basis of their appearance .
Some of them have been in vain trying to demonstrate their skills.
But the band delayed the election they didn't want replacment .
They even rejected Les Claypool .
Yeah I know what you think and i know that Les is one of the ..
no .. he is the best bass player in the world .
But Metallica still rejected him because he was TOO GOOD .
Lacquer Head - Primus
I can't imagine where music would be if Metallica took Les for bass player .
Primus sucks !!1
It is a phrase : Les Claypool explains that in the band's early days, "We'd just get up there and say, 'We're Primus, and we suck.' And it kind of caught on." So they print that on T-shirts :D
Do you know who made South Park intro ? Guess . Yeah it was Claypool .
Try to guess who is Les in intro .
This was my first Primus song .
Enyoj :D