She born in lower class family . She filled the gap of family members after several years we got Baby Girl.
The god gifted us a princess unknowingly.
We have elder Son he is now 15 Year Old .
We were on our normal routine of life in year 2010. Were treating my wife for Ovaries Cyst.
We came to know that body changes due to baby growth and is developed two months back.
We got too much upset setting unknowingly happened and cursed for fortune stating how to manage with one more child.
Thought to have Operated and checked in several YOU tube videos how get aborted for two and half month.
It was too horrible to see how they remove and abort baby . It was too difficult to make our mind to get operated.
Then we thought to accept the baby who ever it may be we took care till 9th month growth and due to our patience and good decision God gifted us a Prices .. Now she is 7 Year Old.
We love her and he made our life full of Joy and Happiness. I am feeling realer father when she come close to me and hug me .