Tabletop and 3D printing - Dwarf Statue #2

in print3d •  7 years ago 

I printed a dwarf not long ago ( and finally put some more colour on him and the brother.


These two, will look good as a terrain piece anywhere, be it a rpg session or as a tabletop terrain piece by itself or on a bigger .


They are both painted really quick. Basecoat, drybrush and wash and a new highlight.


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Awesome mate! Thanks again. Will do my best :-)

Thats awsome terrain pieces, i was thinking Epic ;)

Oh, yeah! Well, good thing I can just press print and get more of them - for all sorts of purposes...

Nice metalic effect :)

Which reminds me, I need to try my metal filaments on the new printer!

How does that work?

Metal filament? It is regular filament but with a small amount of metal in it, like wood filament is regular filament with wood dust

Hmm... yeah I´ve read about it when I think about it.

But, since I am only printing small things, I have a hard time using my first spool - which for some reason was yellow....

Hi @xhi!

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