3D Printing CAN BE for everyone ! Affordable Option!steemCreated with Sketch.

in printing3d •  8 years ago 

So if you are reading this you are interested in 3d-printing-in-manufacturing1.jpg

Maybe you figure it costs to much, or it is to complicated I am here to tell, and show it is neither. How does $289 sound?

Most people probably think 3d printing still costs well over a Thousand dollars and that is just no longer the case.
I made this post to tell everyone there are GOOD 3D printers out there for cheap that YOU can use easily, and I am going to show you how RIGHT NOW!

Ok so first lets look over on http://us.xyzprinting.com/us_en/Home Why XYZ well they make good printers that work for an affordable price, their software is easy to use.

Now lets touch base on what I do NOT like about XYZ Printers, MOST of their printers like alot of other companies use their own proprietary filaments the plastic almost weedeater string looking spools you use to make the things you want with your printers.
XYZ spools have chips inside them and the printer reads the chips to tell the printer how much is left on the spool, what color the filament is, and how hot to turn the extruder up too.

Now this brings me to why I LIKE and RECOMMEND XYZ for Beginners, Ok you don't really have to know anything about 3d printers to use one because the XYZ already auto adjusts the temperature, and keeps track of how much filament is left for you thru this technology. It is a double edged sword you MUST only use Their filament and it does cost a little more than non chipped filament.

So why do I recommend XYZ , ease of use, price of the printer, quality of the product. I have noticed from my own personal experience that their filament is of high quality, I get very good quality prints and have had no problems out of it as I have other filaments on different printers.

So what Printer do I recommend you start with for your first printer be it for yourself, someone else, your classroom, etc
The XYZ Da Vinci Mini W !

So when you order your printer which is only $289 by the way I know its actually Affordable for just about anyone !
Now you are wondering well what about the software? What about designs I cannot design things in 3D ???

Well first of all the XYZ Software which is called XYZWare xyzware-nobel-software.jpg
You just import your design, change a few settings such as quality of print etc you want and click PRINT its that simple.

Import what? 3d Designs of course and you can find almost anything for FREE at https://www.thingiverse.com/ TV-Launch_Homepage1.png

From parts for Drones, to Fidget Spinners, to Replacement Parts if you can think it you can print it ! Do you need a new toilet paper holder, soap holder for the bathroom, Zelda Tri-Force statue PRINT IT !

I hope this post helps people get into 3D Printing, and brings it into the Mainstream ! Thank You !

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