Deadpool vs Baby Groot Free Giveaway

in printing3d •  7 years ago 

NOTE Contest is for YouTube, not DTube, link below

This month's giveaway is Deadpool vs Baby Groot designed by Ben-3D on Thingiverse. Watch as I print, paint, and assemble this statue in preparation for Deadpool the Sequel.

To enter, just make sure you are subscribed to my YouTube channel and that you leave any comment on the original YouTube video:

M3D PVB (Enter Code 3DPRINTGENERAL10 until the end of May for 10% off):

Deadpool vs Groot:

▶️ DTube
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this was so awesome!.. :) does this will work on my Anet A8 3d printer?

I assume so - just gotta have those support settings dialed in because the parts aren't really designed with 3D printing in mind

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