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That came out great! PETG will be good for this. I have had PLA fan shrouds work ok, they are cooled by the air so don't get quite as hot while in use, they tend to deform at the end over time because of the layers where the fan is off.

That's so cool. Maybe one day I can play with a 3D printer. :)

He helped me pick out my first 3D printer and gave me tips on what to expect. I'm waiting on a few more accessories to show up in the mail then I will put it all together. Got a lot of things going on at the moment, so it will most likely be my New Years build over the first few days in January. I'm excited.

Oh that is excitingy! I can't wait to see what you do!

i don,t know your work but maybe your work in very hard and hopfully you success your work thanks for shering @themarkymark

Cool toy you have there, enjoy.

Wow, that looks really good, I'm currently in the market for a decent printer. The problem is that the market is so enormous its really difficult to see what works and what doesn't.

wish my job would get one of these. I would love to play, I mean work with these things ;)