Please pay attention.
The cartoon has the FBI (personified by the figure) denouncing an expressed respect for privacy as the concern of a ‘pointy-headed liberal’, only to learn that the quote came from a conservative jurist. So, implicitly, the laugh is on the conservatives.
Except that in the real-world, the FBI is part of an Executive branch controlled by the present leader of those who style themselves as ‘liberals’. It isn't the Bush Administration that tried to undermine our privacy; we're not dealing with conservative hypocrisy. We are currently under attack by ‘progressives’.
(Nor is this attack some sort of aberration. This same President, in supporting a DNA registry even for those never convicted of any crime, has declared that if one has done nothing wrong then one has nothing to hide. This same President gave us the ‘nude’ body scanners in airports, and then took our legal right to request an alternate search.)