When it comes to the issue of privacy on the internet, people always like to point the finger at social networks and the tech companies behind them, especially politicians. - Why is that? In relation to the Federal Republic of Germany, even Facebook, Google or Amazon know virtually nothing about us, our habits, our private, social and financial status!
The Bundesrat has just approved the tax ID as an individual personal identification number for the Register Modernisation Act. The tax ID can now be used to merge all state registers. The law is probably unconstitutional, but the tax ID XXL is now out in the world for the time being - and the issue was already on eicker.TV after the Bundestag decision.
So much for the legal reality. However, the wish list of German parties and politicians regarding the restrictions of privacy on the internet goes far beyond that. The SPD wants identification on the net, i.e. registration with online services using one's real name, and on top of that the further development of the NetzDG.
This has not been enough for the Federal Interior Minister from the CSU: Horst Seehofer wants to make identity cards compulsory for email and messenger services. This would be a massive encroachment on our fundamental rights and the expansion of surveillance of us all - not to mention the collateral damage on the net. - After all, the CDU in the federal government had already spoken out against these ideas from the Federal Interior Ministry to amend the TKG.
The iCare.report is all about technology, media, politics. The weekly email report delivers the absolute essentials from the last episodes of the eicker.TV (German) livestream and is a purely private commentary by Gerrit Eicker on the most important tech news of the week.