Protecting people privacy from data-mining keyboards with Fleksy

in privacy •  7 years ago 

After scandals such as Wikileaks, documents discovered and published by Edward Snowden, and many other privacy-related issues, it’s more than ever essential that anyone who uses a computer pays attention to who is watching and using their data. Everything you write and send over the internet can potentially be seen, stored and shared.

Of the top 3 keyboards today in the European market, two are owned by multinational companies: Swiftkey (owned by Microsoft) and GBoard (owned by Google). In exchange for services such as an alarm to leave for your next meeting, for example, Google makes users allow access to their maps, location, their meeting addresses and calendar appointments. Google also knows the location of your home and work, since they track the time you leave and return on a daily basis.

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hey just skimmed your work so what would be a good alternative ?