Pro Publica is on the warpath against unethical Supreme Court justices.

in pro •  2 years ago 


At least against conservative ones, having targeted Thomas and Alito. And indeed both seem to me to be corrupted by power and lacking appropriate ethical values. I wouldn't object if public pressure forced them to resign.

But it's a bit suspicious that Pro Publica has only targeted conservatives for investigation, has done so only after conservatives got a three-seat majority on the Court, and are perhaps rushing to do it while the Democrats hold the presidency and Senate.

Pro Publica appears to be doing good work, but biased, with their target being less the ethics of the Court than a goal of shifting the ideological balance of the Court.

Perhaps the Democratic appointees are all squeaky clean, but who knows unless there's an equal effort to ferret out any potential bad behavior on their part?

Not that it means anything about the current Democratic appointees themselves, but to date the only (or at least most recent) Supreme Court justice to have to resign was Democratic appointee Abe Fortas, who's alleged ethical missteps make Thomas's and Alitos look minor. That's just to say that if you begin with the operating assumption that Democrats are more ethical, the historical evidence isn't in your favor.

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