Personal growth

in problem •  7 years ago 

Personal growth: here is how to implement it

In this article we will analyze the problems related to the concept of personal growth. In this sense, we start from the basic conditions that can determine or block the path of personal growth, that is:

  1. The need to have immediate and consistent results with regard to a certain objective.

  2. The set of actions and paths to be carried out, in order to reach a certain final result.

These preliminary considerations introduce a series of obstacles, difficulties, doubts and uncertainties, which lead to a slowing down of personal growth.

In the field of personal growth, that is, of the wealth of positive and negative experiences that we carry around, one of the fundamental aspects that heavily affect the relative path is self-esteem; here is how to increase self-esteem!

Personal growth: the sense of urgency

Let's put the reader 2 practical examples: the first concerns the feeling of hunger, the second concerns the condition of physical discomfort induced by a strong cold . In both situations, we can easily recall the concept of primary needs, or rather the need to be able to make up for the problem, urgently, by eating or procuring appropriate drugs.

These are situations of " emergency " that must be resolved, as our cognitive perceptions, are designed to prevent a deterioration in our lifestyle . In this case, our body needs to create a positive condition of stability.

Personal growth is understood differently as a constant and gradual improvement process over time, certainly not as an urgent and immediate necessity to be solved. The latter provides a basic condition of psycho-physical well-being, and a gradual positive path, which allows us to achieve positive stability day after day. The problem in this regard concerns one's personal condition. The concept for which every change decision must necessarily "take off" following the actual desire for change on our part is fundamental.

It is therefore good to be able to properly regulate the whole of our actions, placing them on the two plates of a scale. On the first we will put the objectives to be achieved, and the relative psycho-physical well-being in being able to complete our work. On the second, differently, we should put the set of steps, paths, sacrifices, which are necessary in order to reach a certain goal. In this sense, then, it is good to start from the premise of focusing on the latter, always keeping in mind the objective to be achieved.

Personal growth: actions

The set of actions to be carried out in order to reach a certain objective, is a path to be made in an absolutely subjective way. In this sense, we can bring some practical examples:

In case I want to eat a pizza, I can opt to buy it and take it home, eat it in a pizzeria, or try my hand at making it myself. In this case we can, succeed in our intent, through the payment to be able to buy ready, or buy the ingredients to prepare it at home.

Otherwise, let's take the case of wanting to undertake a diet path: the latter involves a personal commitment, given by a special diet, and a program of physical activity and sport, but the crucial point is the following: the commitment, in achieving results depends exclusively on our work and our commitment.

In short, we must succeed in our intent, alone, or with our personal commitment, without being able to delegate to others, our " personal growth " or our sacrifices. In this sense, the successes that will be achieved will be more lasting and real, as more satisfying and precious for ourselves.

The perception of motivation, linked to taking steps, to reach a given objective, is linked to the "time" factor , ie the interval between the beginning of a given path and the moment of arrival at the final destination. Precisely this parameter, determines the rate of motivation, which is inversely proportional to the interval , ie more time and effort are needed the less will be the determination to reach a given objective.

The advice then, concerns, on the one hand, the ability to reduce negative and pessimistic feelings, on the other to split the objectives to be achieved, in order to have positive motivating incentives during the journey.

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