What devours human biofield?

in problem •  8 years ago 

"I'll give you good advice - do not listen to anyone's advice, including my own. Be yourself. Listen to your own voice. Any advice belongs to the past. The peace of mind, do not think, do not use force. Truth is eternally here. She was just there ... This is not a search is to stop distractions. Freedom is acquired only exemption from all concepts !!! "(Papaji)

Scientists are very concerned about a new phenomenon - the complete destruction of the human energy system, which is influenced by numerous electronic devices. Already recorded many deaths. Perhaps we are talking about this epidemic caused by a new microbe - "eater of aura."

The fact that many electronic devices are a threat to our health, do not know is it only those who live in a wilderness where the TV does not look on the mobile phone do not speak, internet and microwave ovens do not use (however, these people just nothing special and not in danger). Impact instruments born civilization, goes in different directions, and yet it is not clear how to deal with it. It is no accident so serious office as the State Standard, registered the mark BIO - two disjoint truncated oval, - informs the consumer that the product does not bear the danger of his aura.

 Electronic chaos

The man and other living organisms can function properly only if through them continually pumped energy. In physics, such a system is called non-equilibrium. In their order is important; when chaos comes, they die. A striking example - the cancer: normal cell grows in the strict order in the stomach, liver, and cancer - anywhere. Cancer terms of Biophysics - the triumph of chaos in the body.

The order in our body supports, in particular, the system of channels and acupuncture points, which in the East since ancient times has been the basis of any treatment, and in recent decades and is recognized in the West: it is used in reflexology. By the same mechanisms include bioenergy centers - chakras, correlated with the endocrine glands. Acupuncture points and channels, chakras - physically detectable factor in our body, which means that any physical device affects their performance. Sometimes - creatively, which is used, for example, physiotherapy, but often still - destructively. The most harmful to the order in the body of the microwave oven and the mobile phone, as well as television commercials.

My advice:

"Put an easy experience - Turn the channel on which drive the most advertising, and walk away from the house for about three hours to four. A sensitive person will feel immediately on his return, as the atmosphere in the house was the worse. Whoever sensitivity is different, you can resort to the help of recognized psychic - cats. Bring her to the room, which several hours were irradiated advertising, and you will see that the animal will start to get nervous meowing and scratching. Saturation vitality homes has fallen sharply under the influence of advertising.

To see the difference, do the same thing, but putting a video cassette with views of nature, with records of good, not aggressive music or some quiet, beautiful film. In the created atmosphere will be much more comfortable for you and your cat. "

Advertisement - chaos that television, like the pump, is pumped into the house. And it is annoying not only because it went and intrusive. We're just subconsciously feel a vague discomfort, even if you do not delve into the content ... But we can not do without TV and TV people without advertising. To minimize its adverse effects, experts advise not to keep the TV in the bedroom, turn off when there is an advertising, sound or switch to other channels. And when turn off the TV and computer, it is advisable to cover the screen.

The latter is necessary for the same reason that made hang a mirror in the house when the deceased. Electronic media open the door, which can penetrate the essence of other worlds, and they are in this respect even more than the mirror. Channel created by them, leading to a different reality, held for many hours after they disconnect.

Living and the Dead

Methods for treatment of injuries caused by human power, or evil eye manipulation of the evil sorcerer, worked out, tested and refined over thousands of years. Arsenal them immense - from independent use of aromatic oils and beneficial sound vibrations to recharge bioenergy, which are hands and eyes of a psychic. But only in recent decades, humanity is faced with the aggressive action of the surrounding us everywhere techniques and turned to him almost unarmed. No experience.

In ecology, it stuck a new concept of "electromagnetic smog". It means that we, without even feeling, literally drowning in electromagnetic fields generated by power cables, televisions, computers, refrigerators and mobile phones. And the aura, which is defined as psycho-energetic biophysics and bio-information "skeleton" of the body, too, has a wave and a resonance nature. It being alive cluster wave interacts with waves dead. On one of the forms of interaction between the living and the dead waves we heard, perhaps many. Electronics can be volitional impulse put out of action endowed with super-powerful biofield psychics like Uri Geller, which is confirmed by laboratory tests.

However, everyone is sure to meet the most ordinary people did not consider themselves psychics who for some reason can not stand all sorts of devices. In their house, they break down faster than others. In recent years, however, much more common opposite process - the system of energy meridians and aura burned or devoured devices. At a reception at the reflexologist patient acupuncture points do not give any response, psychics come to a standstill without seeing around his body protective cocoon of energy. On the sinister phenomenon much discussed at the recent London conference "Information and bioenergy human security", which was held by the International Centre for Information Technology.

Wave microbe

Some participants at a security conference neutral bioenergy new phenomenon called the "syndrome of self-destruction biofield" - PRS. Other, bolder, "wave microbe." A Japanese biophysicist Hiromu Yokota even suggested that it is the emergence of a new kind of beings who are somewhere in the intermediate state between the dead and the living principles. Instead, they use organic wave shell, but have characteristics of living creatures such as reproduction, feeding and excretion.

How is infection with electromagnetic virus? There is no consensus among scientists. Hiromu Yokota believes that it all starts with the fact that one of the human aura waves completely resonates with the radiation of the appliance. In fact, the parameters of the bio-field and electromagnetic field techniques are very different. However, in the current environment of electromagnetic pollution statistical probability of accidental coincidence, or, as the Japanese put it, copulation vibration, increased sharply.

Another scientist - Dmitri Bogomazov physiotherapist  put forward another hypothesis. The gradual eating away dead biofield physical vibration occurs approximately on the same principle, according to which in humans with weakened immune systems or impaired as a result of receiving the microflora of antibiotics are beginning to multiply, without encountering resistance pathogens. For example, the fungus causes thrush; or living in the stomach microbe "Helicobacter pylori", which, according to the latest data, is often a cause of gastritis and stomach ulcers. Similarly, developing and aura disease. Unbalance the incessant bombardment of electromagnetic biofield begins to produce coarse, similar to that of a lifeless, vibration, which gradually absorb vibration more subtle.

The most subtle vibration in humans are spiritual, intellectual and emotional features. The process of self-destruction of the aura begins with them. He then extends to the actual physical vibration emanating from the cells and organs, causing them leading to the death of pathology. The process resembles the devouring cancer cells, healthy cells. The paradox is that devoid of the normal bioenergetic body makeup somehow kept only by continually being in the electronics environment, whose radiation replaces his natural energy exchange with the biosphere.


Man sick syndrome of self-destruction biofield, initially perceived by others simply as a workaholic. He is ready for days not get out because of the computer or even in bed has not parted with a mobile phone. If the victim - a housewife, it is endlessly busy washing in the computerized washing machine, cleaning with an electronic vacuum cleaner, fussing with a microwave and so on.

By the way, there is reason to assume that no workaholic - pathological passion to work, independent of the instruments of self-destruction provoked by the bio-field does not exist. Remember, talking about a workaholic in the seventies, that is precisely when an electronic boom began. Among workaholics are extremely rare, such as acrobats, cleaners or livestock. Usually they are - employees of firms, surrounded by computers and photocopiers. Or, say, singers are actively using electronic equipment.

Any forms of relaxation people infected microbe wave prefer computer games, listening to the deafening, amplified speakers rock music, but most of all - television. From an ordinary amateur stare in the "box", what are the most among us, they are distinguished by the fact that they are usually not able to any coherent account of the content of television programs, which looked at.

Unfortunately, the present concern of the family usually occurs only when a person becomes uncommunicative, and his actions, even outwardly, become apparent automatism. This means that the intellectual and emotional components of the aura has absorbed coarse dependent from vibrations and electronics business for biological components. Appeal to therapists and psychiatrists give zero effect: emotional contact with the patient's doctor can not be established, because the emotional psycho-energetic center is not functioning. Medications do not help. Meanwhile the unfortunate dependence on electronic devices continues to grow. A typical outcome of the self-destruction of the biofield - sudden death from heart attack, stroke or other transient conditions during outdoor activities or just after retirement.

Official medicine has always attributed her fatigue and prolonged stress reaction which occurs at precisely the moment when there is some relaxation.

Antidotes syndrome of self-destruction of bio-field does not exist. Recommendation - It is clear that we should not needlessly hold appliances included.

It is clear that the need for opportunities to feed its aura of "vitamins": breeding in the house energetically active houseplants, listen to the subtle vibrations of enhancing music (Mozart is considered particularly useful), use a positive light crystals, do not neglect the services of bioenergy. But for those whose aura has settled gross voracious vibration, all of this - support measures rather than the actual healing. According to experts, the process of self-destruction of the aura in the present level of development of science, most likely irreversible.

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