This excerpt is from my upcoming book “From ‘Producer’ to Producer” on becoming a Producer.
Two parts on using college to start the career you want are also available online
Going from “Producer” to Producer is a reality check that really tests what a person is really all about.
Being a producer does not mean film producer, although if that was the goal originally intended then it is a possibility.
Going from “Producer” to Producer means that you went from making an affirmative choice to do something to actually taking the steps to earn the right to call yourself something.
Being a “Producer” is easy. Being a “Producer” means that you figured out something you wanted to call yourself, but haven’t don’t the necessary work to understand what the title entails.
It’s like someone who walks around saying they are a “Doctor” when they are a street pharmacist or they would make a great lawyer because they like to argue.
If you want to be something go be it, otherwise you are just talking and it is easy to talk.
I choose the word producer because it is a word that many people don’t understand the meaning, but in the end they want to be the person that I am talking about.
A producer is someone who says they are going to do something, and then they actually do what they say they are going to do.
They are the individual that through their past actions have shown that they are someone that something can be built around.
A producer (not a “producer”) is someone with experience in making things happen through their hard work and dedication to a cause.
No matter what you declare yourself to be in life, always take the necessary steps to become the thing that you claim to be. If you don’t you are a fraud.
Worse than being a fraud is someone than believes that they are good at something, but they aren’t. A lot of people believe that they are good at anything they choose to do, this is false.
By surrounding yourself with others you will always know how good or bad you are because you will always fall on a hierarchy because no two people are exactly alike.
In order to become success and recognized at what you claim you want to be you must work at developing the talents that your chosen occupation entail.
There is not a shortage of jobs, there is a shortage of talent. Nobody wants to not make money, it’s the people that want to be hired that aren’t worth the money they are requesting.
If you are super talented, yet can’t get hired then it’s time to reinvent yourself and/or start your own business.
No one is going to give you permission to work for yourself. As long as it’s legal, if you want to go do something just go do it.
Trust in business is important. People do business with people they know and/or trust. You can build up instant trust by developing a trusted brand. You can build up trust by doing the things you say you can do and not over selling or trying to take advantage of someone.
You won’t get paid for some of the things you do in life. Also a lot of your earlier endeavors will not be successful. Spend your 20s worried about learning and having fun experiences. Money will come with age and your ability to turn your knowledge in your 20s to wisdom in your 30s.
By building a network with other hardworking, trusted individuals, you will both be expanding your network and increasing your credibility at the same time.