Simple and Most Effective Techniques to Improve Your Time Management.

in productive •  2 years ago 

In this ever-busy world of 7 billion people, the amount of time that we all people possess is only 24 hours. And our success largely depends upon how we are able to utilize these 24 hours in a day. So time is of only essence, money or health can be rebuilt but time once spent can never be obtained back into our lives.

If you are wasting time, Stop right now and start to think about how to spend your time productively?
In this article, We will be presenting you with some of the most effective and proven time management techniques that will boost Your productivity to another level.

Maintaining a Journal

One of the most gravest mistakes that people often do is not planning their activities in advance. It’s a very good practice of planning your activities in advance in terms is days, weeks, or months.
So keeping a journal is a must, as it would allow you to look back into your past activities and how you had performed back then. This data or insight will help you plan more efficiently and your activities would be more optimized.

Understanding your priorities.

See in life you will have many activities that needs to be done and seek your attention, but among all these activities you need to identify the utmost important ones that will add to your productivity.
Categorize them and complete them first then only do the rest if they needed your attention else you can just leave them to your team members or outsource them.

Finding Your Best productive Time.

It is a very common saying that the mornings are the best timings for most productivity, it is true indeed but for some people out there it can also be a time for sleeping who have a knack for working at night.
Understand this, there are different kinds of people and each one of us have our own unique abilities. So there most productive time can also vary and cannot just be limited to the mornings. You need to find your own best productive time, it can be any hour of the day or any time at night. Generally its mornings for most of the people but it’s totally up to you to decide what time its best for you.
But whatever time you choose to be a productive time just make sure that to be consistent on that time.

Taking Regular breaks

To most of us, it may seem that doing consistent hard work for a prolonged time is very productive. But truth be told it is not so. As because in the long long, you gonna get fatigued out very easily and suffer more frequent burnouts draining you more, ultimately reducing your productivity.
Taking breaks in between works is actually good habit, this actually gives time for your brain to get refreshed and charged up.

But one thing to keep in mind, taking too much breaks is also not good as it will hamper your productivity. It should become as taking out more breaks than accomplishing more of your works.

Saying No

It comes to most of us whenever a person ask you something or you get an extra task by some other Vasan you don’t tend to say no at all even if you are not been able to do it. Ultimately you force yourself to do that ask also.
So politely saying no and refusing the new task at disposal is a very good practice to reduce extra load and focus on what you were doing by then. It would be much easier for you to complete your own task in hand without the extra load of others, increasing your productivity overall.

Focusing and Blocking all Distraction.

Sometimes people open misjudge the power of focus. If you can put all your focus on one thing even moving the mountains would be seemed a pretty small feat to Human.

What happens most of the time is we tend to distribute our attention to other things also which leads to losing our focus as a result. What we should practice is at a given time of work we should stop all our email, popup messages from social media, and all other sites and bring forth all our focus and attention at the prescribed work at hand.

You will be surprised at how much work you would have done with all productivity intact.
Hey…Wanna Improve Your Leadership Skills? Practice these simple techniques and Be a Better Leader whom people want to look up to.

Allocating time and Stop multitasking

Most of the time what happens people don’t know that how much time they are investing in one particular task. Due to this they often spend too much time on a particular task leaving no time for other tasks as a result.
Ultimate day at the end of the day that person faces turmoil and disappointment of not been able to complete all of their tasks even though they have been planned properly In their journals.

So..What is the flaw that is causing the problem in time management?

And the answer is proper allocation of time to specific work. When performing at optimum productivity one needs to allocate a specific amount of time to each work. He or she wouldn’t be able to complete all that at work, effects can be so it was even the one that is very important would also remain unfinished.
And just imagine if you are into a big company and you are lagging behind your targets then only that person imagine how much the pressure world be upon them.

The second most important thing is that one should not multitask.
Our brains are not designed to multitasking, they can perform a single set of work at a particular time effectively if you give it too much of work at a single moment then it would be unable to process all the works efficiently that would be given at hand.

Multitasking decreases the focus and attention you can give to a particular work cause it gets divided into multiple works and as a result productivity is vastly decreased so if you often do multitasking stop doing it and focus one at a time.

Practicing Good Morning routine.

Just want to ask You one question first… What is the first thing that you do as you wake up?
Do you fumble upon your phone and check your social media or do you get up, encourage yourself and make your bed and go for exercising. If you are into fumbling Your phone the moment you open your eyes, then you are on the wrong track, my dear friend.

What does waking up and doing your bed, encouragement or exercises do to you?

They send signals of accomplishment to your subconscious and give you a boost of energy right from the moment you wake up. Thus keeps your momentum going with a headstart from the moment you start your day.
Everything works smoothly and even if encounter conflicts and setbacks you will just fine and be able to stand tall against it even after getting hit.

Want to Improve Your Communication Skills?
Here are Simple Techniques that you can apply to instantly become a Better Communicator and Convey Your Ideas effortlessly.

Exercising and Drinking Water.

When you are physically fit and strong your mental strength also increases drastically. So working out 5 days a week will be a very good habit for you to achieve optimum health both physically and mentally.
Exercising regulates the blood inside your body and eating healthy foods along with loads of water keeps you hydrated and healthy and strong all day long.

This will keep your moods always upright and keep you confident all the time. You will get less stressed out and will be able to enjoy life to its fullest. We are here to manage our time efficiently so that we can work productively and enjoy it seamlessly, keeping a balance on both sides. And following all these effective and proven techniques will help you with your time management.

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