Why scientists think we should be working three-day weeks.

in productiveness •  8 years ago  (edited)

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People are at their most productive if they work no more than 25 hours a week, according to new research. Up to 25 hours a week, cognitive function is improved by working more. More than 25 hours of work starts to have a negative impact, and more than 40 hours makes cognitive function decline dramatically.

The study suggests the equivalent of a three-day week delivers maximum productivity, and working more than a five-day week has a serious impact on productivity.

The findings could help shape working patterns as the world population ages.

READ MORE: https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2016/04/why-scientists-think-we-should-be-working-three-day-weeks/?utm_content=buffer0f8fb&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer

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Haha, interesting idea. :-)
I think we should work 1 day and let the gods work the other 6.