Productivist : Enter Manufacturing 4.0

in productivist •  6 years ago  (edited)

Some years back, a network was invented which is the is a collaborative network that connects 3D printing experts to the potential clients providing them with a virtual market place. On this platform, the consumer will present his projects to the marketplace and freelabsters are invited to tender this propagating competivity and thereby making the pricing more attractive to the consumer. For 3D experts, this concept is highly advantageous as it provides them with an extended marketplace to do business on. The platform is an effective and essential link between printing experts and the clients, and also to ensure that all the transactions are satisfactory.

The platform is able to monitor the progress of each order and control all payments to ensure that payments are made only when delivery has been successful with the goal of making 3D printing more accessible for the masses and hence, creating a more customer-eclectic market.

Moving From Freelabsters To Productivist
The freelabsters took another step with a bigger vision by moving to productivist, with the main goal of converting the current business module into a duly decentralized ecosystem that will reduce the time cost for everyone involved

The Productivist blockchain project aims to create an open data stream where private individuals and companies of any scale can contribute to power the Industrial Revolution 4.0 and to create a new standard to a multi-trillion
market while maintaining at all times a guarantee of quality, fair pricing and efficiency.

manufacturing companies are instigated to find more efficient ways to handle a global demand with limited investments to stay competitive while facing issues like :

Inefficiency :
Managing production capacities for global companies or smaller actors is the main issue of manufacturing. The complex orders, multiple clients, geographically distant production sites combined with price competition and emerging markets’ new actors force heavy investments does not leave room nor time for improvement.

Cost Of Sourcing :
There is an inescapable increase in the production costs because sourcing materials or manufacturers requires the use of an internal or external broker. The diversity of offers and the multitude of solutions make the selection process a complex one.

Sourcing Experts :
Lack of technical knowledge within a company is a major factor that makes it extremely difficult for a company to manage it's supply chain efficiently. Where as, purchasers often lack the technical understanding to contact the right manufacturer for their product and this often result to both financial and time loss.

This and lots more are the issues that needs to be addressed.

The Solution
Thanks to the Blockchain technology, the platform will be able to build an open system that will manage the chain of command of manufacturing 4.0 by decentralizing production: a remote and
effective solution for manufacturers and their clients with secured data and transactions but also transparency.
Not only will he have a remote access to its production
schedule, but if “commercial mode” is activated, it will be possible, to send production instructions directly to his machine and fill production time voids without his


Token Details
PROD tokens to serve as a useful medium of exchange for clients, manufacturers
and other users who will engage in transactions on the Productivist platform
The tokens will be delivered to all participants of the Token Sale after the Token Sale closing date.

Other image sources from Whitepaper

Official Links

On Bountyhive, Ambassador Link

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One of the few project around with a well framed goal, I have no doubt this will help the masses.

A very interesting project with an original idea and a good team. Good luck with the specialists of this company