Daily Success Habit for Productivity

in productivity •  7 years ago 

Starting a Bullet Journal:

Starting a Bullet Journal is an amazing thing to do. You can design your own planner and create your very own calender and days. Doing this allows you to jot down things you have to accomplish in your day. I personally love Bullet Journaling it gives me something fun to do. I can check things off that I have done like a To-Do List.

Here is a blog website you can go to learn how to start your very own Bullet Journal:


If you want even more amazing ideas check out “50 Collections & Lists for your Bullet Journal”


Get a good night’s sleep:

Don’t lessen your hours of sleep. Try to get at least 8-10 hours of sleep per night. Getting enough sleep you can be more productive. As you know, not getting enough sleep can make you worn out not be in a productive mood. I try to get as much sleep as I can most days. If you have trouble sleeping, try to think of things that make you fall asleep earlier.

Make a To-Do List every day:

list every day, I try to do this in my Bullet Journal. Although, if you don’t want to start a Bullet Journal, you can get lined pieces of paper or a lined paper notebook. Most people when they make To-Do list’s they amazing checking things they have done off. It gives a person empowerment knowing they have gotten something accomplished.

Set Monthly Goals

If you set monthly goals, it will make you feel like once you completed what you had to do a sense of accomplishment. Setting monthly goals is a good thing to start if you haven’t already. It will give you even more keys to success for trying to be as productive as you can be.

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Looking good maddy 😵 i need to start something.

These are great starting points for getting organized, thanks! I've found that even if I can't get a full night's sleep either from restlessness or being busy, I can at least find 10 minutes to meditate and let the chaos organize itself a little bit. When I come out of meditation I'm able to go through things in a much more orderly way. Feel free to check out some of the meditations on my blog if it sounds interesting. Enjoy!