
in profile •  7 years ago  (edited)

Shaena Misako culminates the experience and the collective production as Leo rising/As with the stellium of Virgo astrological DNA/Ic and Aries public reputation/Mc. This character profile statement draws from the beginning of the Rahu transition {30/2016 July: wood (30) generates fire (2016), and fire generates earth (J = 1 + u = 3 + l = 3 + y = 7: 5)} into spiritual awakening 'era' (which remains effective until 2033/30/07, water generates wood, and wood generates fire). Before she was even aware of this awakening era, her varied life is experienced within informative urban environments, mainly California, Hawaiian Islands, and contracts in Worcester, Mass., and Conn.

While contracted with a Moon Healer at Connecticut (spring and summer 2019), she began studying sidereal astrology, using the actual constellations' sizes AND not the disinformation of thirty-degree-only constellations. To calculate one's own sidereal natal chart https://masteringthezodiac.com/sidereal-birth-chart-calculator/ Ophiuchus is the thirteenth astrological sign, which heals others and self. Individuals with planets in this sign (or within three degrees on either end) might be considered healers, depending on original intentions of individual.

During her time at Connecticut, she applied her nanotechology training (under Tony Pantalleresco http://augmentinforce.50webs.com/ ) to formulate and shield against directed energy weapons (DEW) with varying degrees of success. This 'essentials' playlist discloses nanopoisoning https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLelEfZshB7EtaaMKXxrCQO_Vo5QuAy9iE , and the YT channel features remedies. During this period, she was exposed to higher energy outputs and became EMF sensitive. Copper and zinc supplementation appears to be most ideal for deflecting DEW and W!-Fi radiation. To be healthy as a hrse, the appropriate 3:1 ratio Zn-Cu supplement available online https://tinyurl.com/rdrwyag

Any and all cognitive malfunctions (shaky and knee weakness indicate electrical interference) are EMF-related illnesses induced by W!-Fi infrastructure. The first time she was subscribed for cellular service with a 'smart' phone was from May to August 2016, while she was processing documents at California.

In February 2019, she began her source journey, which lead her to her mother's Iowan funeral on a pretty plain. This documentary https://www.bitchute.com/video/VnOtfWsugnw1/ essentially reveals her spiritual awakening and eventual reuniting with her mother through her stepdad's stories. Death (or as Will perfers: passing away) is only a door.

Her training and experience, included within a five year contract (2014-2019), to study and practice Administrative Justice Law in Zeurich, Switzerland and focused on real estate. The main perogative: Formulate administrative remedies to secure housing (after thorough document review) and to prevent foreclosures in either judicial or non-judicial states for America (not applicable to South nor Central American countries). On behalf of an unincorporated association, she perfected security interest in and assigned original land patents to the original inhabitants on California (2019). Her earliest accomplishment includes resolving and closing a child support case over a decade long in 2016. (Among her services are to enable access to Public Recordings of documents for spiritual purposes.)

Thorough comprehension via research includes: i) Ancient eastern elements to formulate intentional remedies for any and all aspects of the Cheng 'controlling' cycle over the elements (https://steemit.com/sheng-cycle/@hoaloha/sheng-and-cheng-cycles-as-tactical-remedies); ii) Decoding galactic signatures, portals, and identifying 'power partnerships' (https://steemit.com/ramadan-2023/@hoaloha/galactic-signatures-applied-to-remaining-time-rev-in-progress); iii) Finding value in the Apostle John's Book of Revelations.

Currently, Shaena Misako serves as administrator to CEM PM Association--an association to enable self-empowerment through collabortion with groups and creating partnerships. For those seeking redemption to fulfill his/her private mission: https://resonant-bridger.wixsite.com/ccemppm

S. Misako

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