C++ if else program

in program •  7 years ago 

Simple if-else program


#include < iostream>

using namespace std;

int main() // Most important part of the program!


int age; // Need a variable...

cout<<"Please input your age: "; // Asks for age

cin>> age; // The input is put in age

if ( age <= 30 ) { // If the age is less than 100

 cout<<"You are pretty young!\n"; // Just to show you it works..


else {

cout<<"You are really old\n";     // Executed if no other statement is


return 0


Output :
Please input your age: 20
You are pretty young!

I hope you like this.

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thanks for this coding.. happy to see u again..

i m also a programmer... i like your program

ahmm nice brother

very nice information

i love programming

keep it up