Simulated Erosion

in programming •  7 years ago 

If you're of the adventurous type, you can check out the live version here.

Beware that it can take quite a while to generate; the erosion code isn't optimized yet.

It's rendered in vanilla WebGL, with no three.js or any other third-party library.

There's also some erosion-like effects in 2D.

The algorithm is relatively simple:

  • For every point, add some water

  • If there are any neighboring points lower than it, dump most of the water on those, weighted by how much lower they are

  • Evaporate some water

  • Change the height of the point depending on how much water is on it, and how much lower the neighboring points are. Points with a lot of water will get changed more than those with less. Points which have neighbors that are much lower will get eroded, others will get sediments deposited on them.

  • Repeat some 100 times.

The code is on GitHub. The erosion part happens in terrain.js.

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