Why You should learn to programm.

in programming •  7 years ago  (edited)

How programming can effect you.

Being able to programm can have a big impact on many things in your live.

Let´s take this quote from steve jobs for example:

"Everybody in this country should learn how to program a computer ... because it teaches you how to think"

Some of you may read this and think: "Why should I think differently if I'd learn to programm?"  But many people, including myself, can confirm it.


Let's say for example you want to count something. How would you do this? Many people would start a list, on which they'd draw one line for each "counted thing". But then they'd have to count the lines afterwards, sure if they did it in a way that's easy to count like in groups of 5 lines that's easy, but still takes a bit to count again.

A programmer would do this:

       if (Input.GetKey("Space"))  {int counted = counted + 1;}

This single line of code says, IF the spacebar got pushed down, increase the number "counted"(which starts at 0) by an amount of 1.

This means, that in the end you would just have to write one more line, that tells you the amount of "counted" and you´re ready. This line of text would look like this:


But it's hard, right?

No it isn't, programming is mostly based on math, but not the stuff you learn in college, it's mostly based on stuff you've already learned in primary school, like "+ (adition)","- (subtraction)","/ (division)" and "* (multiplication)".

This means, you already have the knowledge for some basic programming. The only other thing you need is the english language, but as you're able to read this, that should not be a problem.

And what about these strange commands?

In programming there are a few standart commands like : "if" , "while" , "print" and such.

But as you understand the english language it's obvious, what these do and if you need a command that's to complicated, there still is google and a whole community of coders here on steemit, that will be happy to help you(me included).


In conclusion there are 4 reasons to start programming,

  1. You'll be able to make loads of money if you're good at it
  2. You'll find way easier ways to solve problems
  3. It isn't hard
  4. I is a lot of fun

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I wish I had learned programming when I was younger. I did learn some very basic html for seo but I never got into it much, it was only for my job.... My six year old is now interested in learning how to code, there are some great free apps for kids out there to learn coding. It will be so important for the next generation to know how to do programming, me I might have left it too late but ya never know!!! Perhaps you will inspire me to learn :)

I hope so. Hopefully you and your kid will have fun. I'll also make a post about what language to learn for different usecases and how complicated they are. So if you want to learn a bit too, that might be helpful :)

Great! Sure you're never too old to learn :) Have a great day Nick! Look forward to reading your posts.

A great day for you too, hope I'll be able to instpire you a bit in the future.