Google's Flutter goes into beta, the modern way to develop cross platform Android and iOS mobile apps

in programming •  7 years ago 

A few days ago, Google announced Dart 2.0 "optimized for client side development", and now Flutter has gone from public alpha to public beta. It was already being used for commercial applications in the app stores while in alpha, so the change from alpha to beta seems more like a marketing thing, Google is now heavily trying to push Flutter.

I've written extensively about Dart and Flutter on here, so check out my articles to get an overview.

In short, Flutter allows you to create applications in a reactive way similar to using Facebook's React to create web applications, but the code you write is compiled to native byte code for both iOS and Android, so the apps you write get native speed. It does however use it's own UI toolkit, so that code you write once runs on both Android and iOS. Flutter makes it super easy to create custom UIs, and according to Google the most popular apps all use custom UIs, so that Flutter uses it's own UI toolkit should not be a downside.

Flutter apps are written in Google's Dart programming language. If you've never heard of Dart, It's basically a better JavaScript with types, think TypeScript on steroids. It takes a lot of inspiration from the Smalltalk-80 programming language which is still regarded as one of the most influential programming languages ever created.

I haven't done much mobile development, but when comparing Flutter to traditional Android development with Java even I could see that it's light years ahead, much easier, much less code needed, does hot reloading so you see changes you make to an app's code instantly without compiling and restarting the app, and it's just plain fun to use. My Flutter article has installation instructions and a quick tutorial on writing your first Flutter app.

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Thanks for the informative post, I had to contact to have the developers help me create an effective app on my own project.