A Lesson In Design From The Universe: Composability

in programming •  7 years ago  (edited)

The design principle of composability

When I'm trying to create an algorithm I find inspiration from nature. This includes evolution such as what we can see in algorithms which leverage evolutionary computational paradigms (survival of the fittest) or it can include cosmic such as how galaxies form. The example in this post is based on a feature of our universe where very simple behaving particles can combine in different ways to produce emergent complexity. In programming we call this concept "composability".

Composability and compositionality are related

Composability and compositionality are related. This is to say, to think of the design of the architecture as you would think of a sentence with words or a series of symbols and merely by changing the positions of the symbols or choosing different combinations of these words we can create extremely complex structures.

If we look at compositionality we find we can turn compositionality into composability which shows that they are related. Composability is the feature of the universe allowing simple component parts to be combined to produce complex architectures. In design to have composability is to allow for evolvability which is to state that as our knowledge improves, as our desires change, our design can adapt to current needs.


Andersson, B. (2016). Turning compositionality into composability. ACM SIGBED Review, 13(3), 25-30.

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excellent publication, moticadora and interesting. everything happens for something, you have to see the positive side of things, thanks for sharing I follow you and support you daily.

I remember seeing a documentary about a certain pattern that apparently is universal. The documentary was called Thrive, do you know it?



yes, nature is the main and the biggest inspiration for everything
here we can find examples and proofs for many brain puzzles
and for composability and compositionality as well)

btw, I've never heard such words and determinations, thanks for education:)

Finding or creating algorithms is all about measurement and analysis. To benchmark is to compare a new algorithm to the control. This is what is known as A/B testing, so you can make a change, compare the differences in benchmarks, and find out whether there is an improvement between the modified algorithm vs the control.

Composability is based in the fact that from sub atomic particles we get chemistry for instance.

you would think of a sentence with words or a series of symbols and merely by changing the positions of the symbols or choosing different combinations of these words we can create extremely complex structures.

Unsurprisingly, i found this explanation easier to understand.

Nature works the same way. You and I are made of atoms, just like the sun, but it's the arrangement which makes the difference. At the base layer of reality is speculated to be simple 2d strings.

Composability in practice, composable cellular automata is an area to research: