I just want to share a method I figured out for handling gameobject/ridgidbody orientation when dealing with relative gravity. I added comments to the code to help explain certain functions.
using UnityEngine;
public class GroundModifications : MonoBehaviour
// Asssign the sprite object in the inspector
public Transform spriteTransform;
//This stores the original sprite rotation at the start of the simulation
public Quaternion SpriteReal;
void Start()
//save the sprite rotation
SpriteReal = spriteTransform.rotation;
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
//code kept in separate function for organization purposes
void OrientToGround()
//ground layer mask
int layerMask = 1 << 8;
//store hit value
RaycastHit hit;
if (!Physics.Raycast(transform.position, -transform.up, out hit, 10.0f,
//If no surface is found reset gameobject rotation
transform.rotation = SpriteReal;
//get the angle between the downward direction of the game object and the inward facing normal
var AngleToGround = Vector3.SignedAngle(-transform.up, -hit.normal,transform.forward);
//Get the distance between the game object and the point the ray trace hit
var Distance = Vector3.Distance(hit.point, transform.position);
//Prevent Player From Being Stuck (if they get caught at an angle where they cant upright themselves)
if ( Distance >= 1.0f)
//if the angle is less then or greater then zero rotate gameobject toward it
if (!AngleToGround.Equals(0.0f))
transform.Rotate(transform.forward, AngleToGround);
//reset Sprite Rotation (this code is to reset a sprite im messing with so i can manually handle how i want to rotate it for stylistic purposes)
spriteTransform.rotation = SpriteReal;