Sistema de compras de PC (Visual Basic)steemCreated with Sketch.

in programming •  7 years ago 

Sistema de compras de PC (Visual Basic)

visual basic.png

Habiendo tres tipos de PC: CPU ($5000), All in one ($12000) y Multifuncion ($6500). Calcular cada compra y su importe con el IVA 21% y 18% respectivamente.



Private Sub ejecutar_Click()
If Text1 >= 0 Then
aux = Text1 * 5000
End If
If Text2 >= 0 Then
aux2 = Text2 * 12000
End If
If Text3 >= 0 Then
aux3 = Text3 * 6500
End If
Text4 = Val(aux) + Val(aux2) + Val(aux3)

If Text4 > 50000 Then
Text5 = Val(Text4) * 0.15
End If
Text6 = Val(Text4) - Val(Text5)
Text8 = Val(Text6) * Val(Text7)
Text9 = Val(Text6) + Val(Text8)
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
aux = 0
aux2 = 0
aux3 = 0
Text1 = ""
Text2 = ""
Text3 = ""
Text4 = ""
Text5 = ""
Text6 = ""
Text7 = ""
Text8 = ""
Text9 = ""
End Sub

Private Sub limpiar_Click()
aux = 0
aux2 = 0
aux3 = 0
Text1 = ""
Text2 = ""
Text3 = ""
Text4 = ""
Text5 = ""
Text6 = ""
Text7 = ""
Text8 = ""
Text9 = ""
End Sub

Private Sub salir_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub

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