Secret To Help You Make Money Programming

in programming •  9 years ago 

Hey guys
I’m currently making a decent living from my skills. But I never really explained how I truly started making SERIOUS cash coding. I was earning some income but only after I learnt this one little secret did I start to make money coding.

Before I get started I just wanted to say this method is a great way to learn any skill in the business world. You can apply this method to sale people, consulting, design and much more. So buckle up and get ready to learn my top method to becoming a leader in your field while banking from it.

“Good artists copy, great artists steal.” – Pablo Picasso

Instantly you probably think my guide to making money is stealing. WRONG. Well kind of.

For around two years I was trying to make money online. Testing new things trough trial and error. I was making money don’t get me wrong but it was nothing. Back then $100/month for my 16 year old self was amazing, but I saw others doing what I was doing while making like 50x what I was making. This pissed me off because I didn’t understand how they were beating me. So I continued my journey to try and learn how make more money. Thinking of new ways but nothing was working like it was for these guys.

I was stuck in this mindset that I needed to create my own path and ideas to make money. I thought I had to be as unique as possible otherwise how would I stick out in the crowd. While others might say sell their templates on a website I was going out and trying to market on twitter to sell mine. While people were trying to get work on popular websites I was trying to find my own method of finding work. See, this is where I went wrong.

Then one day I was listening a podcast and one of the guys talking said the quote above, “Good artists copy, great artists steal”. He explained how one of the greatest ways to become successful in any field is to steal..
I was like huh? Steal what? Then he went on and explained you must find someone who was successful in your field and steal their techniques and how they do things. You must mimic them and you will eventually become successful. At first I was like wait what? So I’m supposed to find a successful programmer or coder and just see how they did things and do exactly that? I didn’t listen to the advice at first but a few months later I decided to try it.

I was Naive

So I decided to try the method. I found a popular coder/SEO guru who was making like $100,000 a month. I started following his blog and copying his techniques. Looking at his websites and his selling processes. Learning how he engaged his audiences and how he was able to grow to be a huge success in such a short time. I didn’t copy him completely but took a f**k load of his advice and tips.

I started implementing the ways he was making money through coding and holy. This was when I first started making money online. It was the first time I would go out, spend a huge amount of money with my friends and then come home to see my balance in my bank account was LARGER then it was before. So much money was being deposited into my account from all of the techniques I took from the guy I was mimicking.

Of course the money took a while to come in, it wasn’t instant. But my success was growing so quickly after I simply copied what other successful people do.

Simple As That

In conclusion, go out and find someone in your field and mimic what they do. Steal and copy their life style. If they spend hours a day learning, setting up small projects, doing research and stay organize. You start doing that. Because if its working for them it can work for you.

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