Besides my series about using MVVMLight together with Xamarin Forms, I have also other posts or posts series that some might find interesting. One of those is a series that I tagged #XfQaD, where Xf stands for Xamarin Forms and QaD stands for Quick-and-Dirty. In this series, I am sharing some of my Quick-and-Dirty solutions for common problems one may face.
Here is what I have written so far:
- #XfQaD: Using ProgressRing for UWP and keep a single activity indicator API in Xamarin.Forms
- #XfQaD: read package identity and version from platform project with Xamarin.Forms
- #XfQaD: Limit maximum lines of Label and indicate text truncation
I have a few XfQaDs left to write about, but these will get shared directly once I write them, like all of my other future posts.
As always, I hope these posts are helpful for some of you. Until the next time, happy coding, everyone!