webpack 4 configurator - very useful tool for generating

in programming •  7 years ago 

webpack 4 configurator - very useful tool for generating


Hi guys. Today I want to share with you one very cool and useful tool. It is important to say that this post is manly for people who аre interested in coding, programming, web development. For others this can be not so useful of interesting.

In general webpack is complicated and configurating it can be a very long, painful process fulfilled with a lot of reading of documentation, tryings, experimenting with some settings and etc.. So I found this tool which I think it deserve to share with you because save a time. Another way is just to use create-react-app where everything is configured well. But now lets see this tool.

Like you see from the next or from top image , firstly you must choose some settings by your choice. For example I made this configuration


When you finished with choosing settings you can see generated files from here



From Readme.md you can see useful steps how to run this. But firstly you must download .zip file from the link of the top of the image.


Right away from description of the files , you can see also another way to create project. You must just follow the instruction from the following image


Thank you for stopping by and I really hope this to be useful for you.

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Thank you for very interesting and useful information!