Hey everyone,
Today I am making a little different post. I've been pretty busy in school trying to catch up with all the courses at the same time while I am learning coding both in school and on my free time. I have started to learn a lot faster now that I have found some good tools to help me out though.
I don't know how many here are interested in programming but even if you have basic knowledge of computers I really think you could find this to be very interesting and fun at the same time.
Learning IT in school is a little bit defuse because the teacher obviously tries to teach us as much as he can but it isn't nearly enough to just be good at listening. We have to do a lot ourselves since otherwise it's basically impossible to learn and to actually understand the way of programming. Usually we get a task and then It's up to us to find tutorials and stuff on the internet and actually just follow them step by step which in my opinion doesn't teach us anything.
The tool I use in school is CodeCademy and our teacher approves of this site. For those of you that haven't used this before then just so you know it's a code learning platform. They have different courses for different languages and make it very simple to follow since you also see the code that is running so you can get a sense of what is happening in the background. It works very well and I still use it to this day.
You can sign up for free and start off with their simple free courses or one of the more advanced ones.
The other tool that has helped me out a lot is Udacity and they also offer a lot of courses for pretty much everything. Udacity is a big community where you even can give out your own courses and I happened to stumble upon this post on Reddit that offered a lot of different courses for free or for sick discounts. So if anyone is just getting in to coding or maybe just wants to challenge himself. If anybody wants to check it out then here is the link for that post: Udacity Coupons. Even if you don't code or only know someone who does than definitely check out these coupons since they can get you some incredible deals and sometimes even for free.
So this is basically how I've been trying to improve my knowledge in coding and I feel like I'm definitely making steps in the right direction! For the actual coding I mostly use the application Brackets since it's very simple and offers a lot of great plugins for every language you can think of and that make the coding a little more easy or simpler to understand. You can check it out as well as download it on their website: here. It's open source and I think one of the better text editors I've seen out there.
So I mostly wanted to make this post in hope of other "noob" developers out there could find some help from the links and info I provided. I definitely think that coding is something that most of us can learn even completely alone and if anyone feels like they want to learn something new or just want a new career than this is one of those DYI careers. I know a few people that decided to leave their profession at age 30-40 and after teaching themselves a little coding they instead started working IT.
I hope someone at least can take something useful from the information I provided. Myself I have to start getting ready for school and some more coding myself. I will be back here later today.
Have a great start of the week everyone. Kick this Mondays ass.
Sources: 1, [2](), [3](), 4.
Man, I always wanted to get going into Java programming and start making my own android games, but for the love of God, without an actual teacher, an actual course it's hard as hell and those are sooo expensive. Yeah you've got codeacademy, udemy and so on, but it still feels like an impossible task.
I remember the first time I tried some java + andengine + eclipse or something like that and it was overwhelming with no background.
Lately, I've been dabbling around with Construct 2, seems way easier for me to achieve what I want - an android game - even if the game will suck, which probably will. I got my girlfriend on board, we bought it and we still learning the hangs of it. Sucks that it uses HTML5 and that's pretty bad for performance from what I've heard. Still, it's a fun activity for me and my girlfriend.
Anyway, enough with my rambling. Great post and you get my upvote.
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Hey, yeah I completely understand where your coming from. I felt like that in the beginning as well but I guess you just kind of have to understand the "logic" these languages have in common and then just start learning the code or copy from other great developers! It's an open source world out there :D
We actually had a course in school where we used Construct 2 to make a game and I feel like I got the hang of it pretty fast. It wasn't anything serious. Just the first idea that came to mind for a game theme and then I made it. It's a really simple and easy to use software with a great community to help you out! If you want or if it helps at all I can send you the files from my Construct 2 game and you can see what I've been going for. I think I might have it saved somewhere just in case. :)
Thanks for taking your time to read and comment on my post! Best of luck to you and your girlfriend with your future in development :)
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I'd love to take a look at your construct 2 game and check some of the logic behind what you've made. Dunno if something serious can ever come from working on Construct 2, but it's a fun project for both of us and maybe learning about the logic behind it and how stuff works helps me getting into a real programming language, only time will tell. So yeah, leave me a link to download your project and thanks a lot.
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Nice, I remember using codecademy as well for a bit when I was still trying to learn how to code. It was pretty effective!
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Yeah it really is! And it offers a lot of courses all for free so that's great too :)
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Heh, creating something with your own hands via a few lines of code seems somewhat magical to be honest. Why did you stop though ?
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thanks now i will try to learn some too :D
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Great :D you'll be a master coder in no time :D
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I found this post very enlightening and will take up the code academy course part time. Networking and programming aren't too far apart right? Maybe my expertise in networking might be off some assistance.
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Well they do kinda go hand in hand i presume. :D
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thanks man this might hep me motivate myself to learn like i have been wanting to
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Great :) I hope it will. I know it did for me at least. I wanted to code for years but only recently started learning :)
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Thanks, I was looking at Udemy, which also have offers, but i'll try out this one too... Only question now, is which language?! :)
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Yeah, it's hard to decide. If you have no experience at all then I would suggest to start with HTML/CSS even though it's not programming languages it was a good language to start with. Maybe Java for programming? I've just started a course in Python myself. :)
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you can start with python...it kind of easy...
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Really Good Post!
You Upvoted & Followed.
Please upvote+resteem+follow me
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it's give me confident to learn on code academy thnx a lot
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Glad to hear it friend! :) thanks for checking my post out :)
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Hello @strawhat. I stumbled on your page today, little did i know there were key information of what i need to know on how to start my programming. Am just following you right away. This post was helpful and am going to register in an academy soon and come back to teach STEEMIANS in an easy way. Watch out for @estheromoyiwola guys. Lol @strawhat, this post was helllppfuulll.
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Thank you! I'm so glad it was helpful. Looking forward to seeing you back then. :)
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Yes @strawhat. Am actually a newbie. I will be glad if you can follow me back so when i drop my introduceyourself post, you can see and get to know me. Thanks again@strawhat. Looking forward too more of your post.
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I want to learn
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very different one indeed!!!!
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Nice all programing list
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Stop what you are doing and do this http://teachyourselfcs.com/
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Thanks, good info.
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well i m a layman in programing. i will try out
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I have been learning to code for a year now. And i have the same experience as you do.
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Learning programming is not going to be easy if you are not dedicate yourself into it .I did not finish my college but because i love programming so much , I did a lot of research and watch lots of videos online just to learn programming . My first programming language that i have learned was C then decided to step up. Now, I am working as a Full time web developer . Resteemed and Upvoted
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I first started coding Basic on an Atari 400. When I got my first PC I wanted to learn VB. It must have taken me a month to understand "event driven programming!"
When MS made a major change after VB6 I lost interest. It was too much like C for my liking. The programming world changes so fast that I just can't keep up anymore. It was a fun time while it lasted and sometimes I miss VB6.
Thanks for the good article, my friend!
...upvoted and resteemed
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Great post, thanks.
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@strawhat ,am new to programming and i want to start with the easy one.....python.thanks for sharing.
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Code has been my best-man since I discovered the trick attached to it which is patient and never give...... They are sever days I would spend more than 7hours and one line of code I would get really discouraged, but I promise myself never to give up which has worked for me and I bet it would definitely work for you if you put your mind into it
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This is by far one of the best article I have seen online.... Nice one man and a true fan of your work
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Most productive way to learn programming is to start a project
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