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I guess the correct word is unpacking. :)

Unpacking is when using the unpacking operators * and **.

wow very excellent programming information

You are a good coder

I do not really understand about this post, but I want to know and keep learning. until I can discuss this with you

very excellent programming information

that's some good tips. I am not expert on python.but will check it. Thanks for the tips.

Nice tips, could you please let me know some use case related to above tip. In what scenario it will be useful.


I showed it in the post a real-world use with Steem blockchain...

But that is works better in Data set in a few elements! I would like to know about streamline way of formatting strings?

I'd love to follow you if you have specific Python tips that could be helpful -- do you have a newsletter?

No, just post every so often on Python when I'm not dealing with drama.

Destructuring does a very good job of making ur codes look organised and presentable at the same time

I think destructuring is especially useful for packing and unpacking variables into a function to make the code neater. Look forward to see your next tip.

This is pretty impressive how you do all these programming codes etc., I could never do that.
Your python tip series are very helpful so thank you so much for sharing it with us @themarkymark
