Post-Meritocracy and Death of Linux By SJWs Can Actually Be Great For Cryptocurrency

in programming •  6 years ago 

You've probably heard about all the drama regarding SJWs trying to dictate Linux Development after they have successfully infiltrated silicon valley development and hiring. For those who don't know, this happened some weeks ago and I'll get you upto speed.

Even more in depth details can be read here. It covers pretty much the whole issue. But it's not hard to understand what is going on if you got to the roots. These roots are the same reason that I'm ultimately positive and optimistic regarding the whole mess.


Our Pledge:
In the interest of fostering an open and welcoming environment, we as contributors and maintainers pledge to making participation in our project and our community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body size, disability, ethnicity, gender identity and expression, level of experience, education, socio-economic status, nationality, personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity and orientation.

The single mos open ad prejudice-less communitties I've ever seen are Anime communities and programming communities. Let's not forget the complete disregard for the fact that many developers are basically just a name and an avatar like JL777 from Komodo.

The go on to describe their standards. You can read the whole thing at I'll quote the more important parts.

Other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a professional setting

A vague standard with no real definition and the scope is defined as:

This Code of Conduct applies both within project spaces and in public spaces when an individual is representing the project or its community. Examples of representing a project or community include using an official project e-mail address, posting via an official social media account, or acting as an appointed representative at an online or offline event. Representation of a project may be further defined and clarified by project maintainers.

Some Results Are Already Visible

Similar things have happened in many fields and this has not caused that much of a Going Galt situation. After all people have passion for work and mouth/s to feed. The next part is what is really going o push people to abandon Many of the open source development. A person may sit through character assassination. But when every major value of a person is opposed and his/her merits get discounted, even the passion cannot hold things longer.

The Post-Meritocracy Manifesto AKA Death of Civilization

There are fundamental sacrosanct unquestionable ever true principles such as the Non Aggression Principle. After their foundation comes the pillars such as meritocracy. Post-Meritocracy is the equivalent of Post-Civilization (Apocalypse) in a very real and literal sense. When the best of ability is discarded the void is filled by nothing in a best case scenario. In a worst case scenario it'd be animal instincts of with force, rape and plunder as the norm. Personally I think there would be a middle ground of Meritocracy being replaced by ideology and civilization going the way of Cuba.

It is time that we as an industry abandon the notion that merit is something that can be measured, can be pursued on equal terms by every individual, and can ever be distributed fairly.
What does a post-meritocracy world look like? It is founded on a core set of values and principles, an affirmation of belonging that applies to everyone who engages in the practice of software development.

Here is a selected list of their " core values and principles". Follow the link in the title for the full list.

  • We believe that interpersonal skills are at least as important as technical skills.
  • We can add the most value as professionals by drawing on the diversity of our identities, backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives. Homogeneity is an antipattern.
  • We can be successful while leading rich, full lives. Our success and value is not dependent on exerting all of our energy on contributing to software.
  • We acknowledge the value of non-technical contributors as equal to the value of technical contributors.
  • We are devoted to practicing compassion and not contempt. We refuse to belittle other people because of their choices of tools, techniques, or languages.
  • The field of software development embraces technical change, and is made better by also accepting social change.

Something I Heard From @southernwolf

This is what lead me to finally make this post discussing this topic. He began talking about Gab social media and his experiences. What he mentioned was that "Gab was super great before the 2016 election! However, Twitter began purging alt-right accounts from the platform and that pushed them all to Gab, causing it to go to hell in a hurry." With Post-Meritocracy at play this could easily happen to the developers of Linux and other popular Open Source software that are going to be targeted first.

I'm not too sure about the warnings of pulling the codes. Some might do it. But to have it happen on a mass scale would take more time and pressure.

Cryptocurrency Projects Would Be An Oasis

Unlike general FOSS development crypto projects are based around incentives. Developing for a project might as well be an investment. You can also get paid via treasury system like Dash, PIVX, SmartCash, Horizen etc. You can also get rewarded via something like @utopian-io and as @southernwolf and I discussed crypto communities are the most receptive and friendly towards free markets, meritocracy, objectivism etc.

Crypto communities are more resistant towards ideological takeovers due to lack of democracy. This is less through when it comes to BTC which has no governance. But when comes to Masternodes or PoS/DPoS systems, stake makes decisions and bigger the stake is, bigger the incentive to steer things in a more meritocratic direction.

I'm expecting more an more developers to put less emphasis on projects like Linux and focus more on cryptocurrency projects where they are made to feel welcome and respected based on their values and abilities.

It All Happened For The Better

Things that happen around may enrage you and get you concerned. You might even feel disappointing or even depressed. But look for the big picture and sometimes you'll just see a simple but painful transitional period. Think about the post HF 20 situation. There was some real entitlement mentality and even genuine troubles. But now we have better curation rewards, 3 second comments and claim STEEM accounts for free. So sit through this and look for the better things ahead.

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This is an interesting post. The blockchain is decentralized making it more difficult for crazies to attack a person and report them to a central authority for firing or removal. It seems that most of the targeting firings occur when a company or organization is targeted by a leftist mob and the company or organization thinks it needs to do something for political purposes. The loss of one person is not a big deal to them but people get picked off one by one. It is difficult for this to happen on a blockchain because a larger consensus has to be reached to decide to obliterate someone.

And don't forget that it literally cost to have that large consensus. It's not impossible but very very difficult and even if that does happen, we have a good chance of hard forking away.

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